Trakula - Ai vist lo lop

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Trakula - "Ai vist lo lop" (Oksitāņu tautas dziesma)

Oksana Gotlube - blokflautas, ungāru flautas, duduks, bombarde, dūdas, balss;
Māra Āboliņa - blokflautas, ungāru flautas, kavals, dūdas, balss; Līga Jeleviča - viduslaiku vijole, trompetvijole, balss; Lenards Gotlubs - viduslaiku lauta, kobozs, oktāvu mandolīna; Māris Jēkabsons - dūdas, bombarde, vargāns, balss; Kaspars Indrēvics - bungas

Trakulā darbojas mūziķi ar plašu muzikālo interešu loku. Gandrīz katrs no viņiem spēlē vairākās dažādas ievirzes grupās. Lenards Gotlubs pats arī būvē senos instrumentus. Trakulas repertuārā ir gan viduslaiku, gan renesanses skaņdarbi, tā var nospēlēt ungāru danču programmu, un iedvesma tiek smelta arī no latviešu folkloras materiāla, piešķirot tam nedaudz viduslaicīgu skanējumu.

The main style Trakula playes is medieval and Renaissance music, but, as the musicians have very broad musical interests, their repertoire includes a Hungarian folk-dance programme and they draw inspiration also from Latvian folklore material, this time adding some Medieval sound to a traditional baptising song.

Mūsdienu tautas mūzikas izlases "Sviests IV" prezentācijas koncerts Jāzepa Vītola Latvijas Mūzikas akadēmijas lielajā zālē 21.10.2011

kameras - Zane Šmite, Diāna Dreimane, Normunds Vaivads, Raitis Vulfs

videomontāža -- Raitis Vulfs, susajwonderlandstudio

audio mix -- Kaspars Bārbals, studija Lauska

organizācija - kultūras menedžmenta centrs "Lauska"
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Excelente versión. Respeta el canon, como era en la Edad Media. Muy bueno su registro de voz el gaitero y solista del grupo. Y gran calidad de ejecución el percusionista.


Très heureux de voir le patrimoine musical occitan si bien interpreté en europe et très triste de sa confidentialitè en france ...snirfff 😪


Ua musica de nostre pais: Occitania 



patīkama balss :)
esmu dzirdējusi šo dziesmu vairāku Rietumeiropas viduslaiku mūzikas grupu izpildījumā, bet jāatzīst, Trakulas izpildījums man iepaticies vislabāk!


Nice... realy nice. Greatings from Sweden


no es frances, l'occità és una llengua galo romanica germana del català. L'occità llengua dels trobadors i sa cultura mèdieval


I get the sense the subject of this medieval musical piece has a trance like supernatural phenomena to it. The world and life is hard, coarse, smashed in disappointment and strife. And in such a harsh world the fox and wolf hunt the hare for prey and food. Yet one can imagine a peasant seeing something strange & wonderful while out journeying in the woods one day. Instead of seeing a hare torn to pieces by a wolf or fox he sees a world suddenly of joy and love. The wolf, the hare and the fox are joined hands as they dance around a tree. They are enjoying each other's 'presence of soul' among themselves in an otherworldly state of being of love and harmony. No need to hunt, kill or feed oneself, but an ethereal world of love and joy between the three animals as souls. And as souls not dependent on eating since they are in a spiritual world separate from our earth and its environment. Such a supernatural world pierces and enters into our earthly world of harsh reality.Thus its like Beethoven's 9th symphony theme---Alle Menschen werden Bruder. All men shall become brothers. Yet in the case of Vist lo lop its rather all animals shall become brothers. Since men and animals are souls.Existing in love and harmony and cooperation in joy and respect.
