Snowrunner Worst trucks in their sensible vehicle class

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Snowrunner vehicle classes are all messed up so I made my own sensible classes and here're my picks for the worse vehicles in each vehicle class of Snowrunner.
#SD1ONE #Snowrunner

P16 mod shown in video:
TwinSteer mod shown in video:

Contents of Video
0:00 - Intro & Disclaimer
0:11 - Small Scouts
1:11 - Large Scouts
1:55 - Regular 6x4 Trucks
2:47 - Small 4x4 Trucks
3:36 - Regular 6x6 Trucks
4:27 - Low Saddle Tractors
5:07 - High Saddle Tractors
5:47 - Regular 8x8 Trucks
6:37 - Farming Tractors
7:12 - Long Frame Trucks
7:53 - Monstrous 6x6s
8:22 - Superheavy 8x8s
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I have to admire how the devs are determined to never fix the Freightliner.


The fact the Freightliner is the worst semi truck, yet is the cover art truck, is hilarious.


Tatra DLC need buff, small Tatra need reworked, maybe dicclock always on, bit bigger tires. Tatra813 need more addons - logs, maintaner/tank


Some of these choices, I feel personally attacked. Also, you're right.
Not going to stop me using Twinsteer everywhere just because it is so goofy to drive.

Dishonorable mention: That Khan39 scout. If you put any kind of engine upgrade in the harsh transmission just pinwheels it off the road on upshift. It literally cannot drive in a straght line. Super annoying to drive, it's like trying to catch a greased pig.


It's "the worst" not "the worse" truck.

Otherwise great video, as usual.


Western twin star is one of the best truck in the game this truck can pass any kind of terren with excellent power, but I can agree with truck balance with you it rolled out without any reason any where


I think one thing that hurts the Derry Special is that as a truck it isnt all that heavy. A heavier truck would lower the center of gravity and help the balance, the extra weight could help the grip in climbing if they aren't going to give it heavy tires, and the power to weight comes from an excellent engine nestled into a paperweight frame. That being said, I still enjoy using it when I can make it work.


What I actually like about the Derry Special is that it is a heavy that doesn't feel overpowered. It's kinda tippy, can still get stuck in deep mud and the way the wheels and the diff-lock behave under heavy loads can make it struggle a bit. All of these "quirks" still makes you rethink your approach rather than just being an easy-mode truck.


I think the CAT scout isn’t as bad as ppl think it is. As long as there is no water involved, it is great for rescues. I used it in hard mode since you get multiple and it saved me from a few tipping situations


2:42 Also, the Transtar can be found for practically free, while you have to go out and buy the CLT.


watching this after school, another well done video with a throughout analysis


Noooo don't trashtalk my beloved ANK MK38 noooo ! It's still my favorite pick when I need to carry things and fuel isn't a problem. I find it's lower plus gear to be the ideal pace to go through many obstacles. Don't use mudtires, OHD are far better, the truck will cut deep mud with them.


P-12 for me is the worst heavy by far. I don't know if it's a glitch on the switch version, but the truck has no traction at all and constantly slips.


Small 4x4 trucks are missing timestamp. I think the biggest limiting factor to their usefulness is the map design as they'd really benefit from existence of objectives, where you'd need to carry just one unit of cargo to a location only accessible through a narrow winding path that just wouldn't accommodate a bigger truck. The only instance of this that I've seen in SR so far is the task 'Forecast Unclear' on Lake Kovd, Kola Peninsula, but I've seen some great maps like this in mods for MR. Another thing that vastly limits the potential of small trucks is SR's cargo system, where the size of one unit of cargo is IMHO too big - if the unit was, for example, ninth of the current one by area (= third by length, so current unit split into 9 squares arranged 3x3), we could have the current 1 unit cargoes that take up the full area be 3x3 new units, but loads like metal rolls take full unit of load despite taking only ~2/3 of area, where it could take just 2x3 new units. This would allow small trucks to have 3x4 or 3x5 beds and therefore fit 2 cargo in some cases, while the wide beds (e.g. Wide Flatbed Semi-Trailer and Mastodon's wide sideboard) could also be set to be 4-6 new units wide and therefore carry 2 rows (effectively double) of some cargo, making both extremes much more viable options. This would require a significant rewrite to the current cargo system, but it would allow so much more variety in the game and with little additional effort adding a lot of utility to many existing trucks & trailers.

For Tatra 813 IMHO the best combo is the standard sideboard with 2 Ramped Flatbed Trailers, where winch point in the rear center allows you to pull them nicely one behind the other, taking 10 units of cargo in total, making the Tatra 813 quite an efficient hauler per unit of cargo both in terms of fuel and time without overloading (1 trip with Tatra 813 = 2 trips with other truck with 5 unit semitrailer). This, of course, only applies for trips where you have enough cargo to transport and the path isn't nice enough for a (highway) 6x4 with semitrailer or completely a deep mud or snow. I love that this truck made for pulling (mainly) armored vehicles (pulls up to 100t IRL) is actually great at pulling heavy loads in SR. I think that in SR Tatra Phoenix is worse than 813 in everything except having a (great) crane and fuel cistern, because Phoenix's all-wheel steering makes anything you're pulling take significantly smaller radius in curve than the truck, making it completely useless for pulling long or wide semitrailers or long trailers like Ramped Flatbed Trailer (of which 813 can easily pull 2), limiting you to basically 4 units of cargo (taking the Sideboard Trailer). I think it'd be much better if instead of this Phoenix we got the 6x6 Agrotruck, which has just front and rear steering axle and really fat tires, or went completely unhinged with 12x12 (front 2 and rear 2 steering axles) with bed for ~5 units of cargo a long log carrier and a double short/medium log carrier.

6x4 trucks are great fuel trucks IMHO, because then you always have the load on your rear axles, so you only need to avoid high-centering your truck and deep mud. I consider it a self-propelled fuel trailer with added benefit of free & instant recovery in easy mode.


I love the ANK Mk38, its such a good truck for scouting, even though its not its intended purpose. it's also a decent recovery truck, and it is quite fast and fun to drive. my least favourite regular 6x6 is probably the GMC 9500


The twinsteer is my go to truck when it comes to delivery 4-8 cargos to a really hard place to get to


love the Tatra 314 and use it as my main large scout


- Yeah, the small scouts aren't good with trailers. But without them, a lot nicer to drive. But I agree, the DON is easily the weakest of the bunch. Literally and figuratively.
- Telehandler is good offroad, and has good fuel consumption, but yeah, it's not good. Like you said, it's powerful but lacks utility.
- Agreed. I don't like using the Ford CLT much. It's just... awkward to drive somehow. The long wheelbase and small tired are not a good combo.
- Oh man... The Sprinter was made for one thing and it doesn't even do that well. The only thing I've found it to do actually well is follow train tracks with All-Terrain tires at a decent speed. That's it. XD
- Oof, ANK is _thirsty!_
- Yeah, the Freighliner is... I don't know, it's not nice to drive. And needing a trailer with fuel, or a caravan to fuel it is unnecessary hassle.
- Yeah... P16 is one of my favorite heavies, but I won't deny that it's definitely lacking in some crucial regards.
- Agreed. The Tatra 818 mod for MudRunner was a powerhouse, and I was so hyped to see it in a DLC here. But then I saw what it did and it was... underwhelming.
- Ugh... I've always hated articulated steering, and the K700 in Snowrunner was never that good in my experience.
- Oh yeah, the Twinsteer is... it's just not practical for almost any map or region. It's like extra-hard mode.
- The Antarctic... Articulated steering wrecks again. There's just nothing about the thing I like. I don't know if it's me, but even upgraded, it just seems weak.
- Derry seems like it's very specifically NOT an all-rounder, not for climbing.


Gotta defend Tattra T803 its a capable heavy in most of base maps. It can take care of most of the missions maybe slow but steady. If you want to progress calmly but steady its a perfect starter.


i use the Ford CLK9000 quite a bit, its really good on fuel, though I do with it had locking Diffs,
