WITCHY, COZY, CHAOTIC catch-up: sometimes I wanna be basic, new diagnoses, school, youtube, writing

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00:00 let's set the space
03:23 practical money magic
04:22 behind the scenes chaos
06:05 a rant on YouTube, sometimes I wanna be basic
12:48 someone calling me old lol
15:08 schooling
16:33 new health diagnoses
18:30 second YouTube channel?
20:18 literally rambling
20:37 writing a book
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YES - Thank you. For me, witchcraft at it's core is all about living life more intentionally and connecting more deeply with myself, being more present, and stopping to see the magic in the mundane.


I love the chill chatty vibes, like talking with some witchy girlfriends and sharing random little tips. Totally agree about the overly serious energy everyone always expect creators to be and a lot of times holding them to such a high standard when I know so many of the people complaining would never hold themselves to. I'm usually way too serious about everything in my life, and sometimes I just want to vibe and chill in my practice, I want it to bring me peace, not stress.


I can’t wait for your book on Chaos Magick. I love the fact that you talked about not stressing about your practice. So many of us feel like it needs to fit other people’s ideas of what witchcraft/occult magick should be or look like. Sometimes we forget that this practice is for ourselves and our self development. Yes to practical and daily magick. Yes to being basic. It is not that deep if you don’t want to make it that deep all the time. You don’t need to make it deep at all. So refreshing to hear you say that. Love the cozy vibes of your video.


Hell yeah we deserve some hundys!!!! Lol I just love you dearly 😂❤


Love the transparency! It really helps people feel less alone with their own issues if they can relate. I'm glad you got a break and am glad you're back. :)


👁️👄👁️ <- me when I’m cleaning my house while watching your videos and I hear you name drop me 😂 teehee love you! 💖


2 things: i love how your voice changes when you cast spells 😂 like when you said “i claim this energy.” it’s so strong and confident! i felt that shit in my soul 🙌🏼

second: some of the most UNSERIOUS people i’ve ever met are the people who have been through the most serious and horrific life events, or as that person said “real problems.” sometimes all you have left is laughter and silliness to cope because life is so shitty sometimes it all becomes one big cosmic joke, ya know?! i just read Liber Kaos and he talks about the importance of laughter and it changed my practice entirely. i embrace the witches cackle!


GURL, this is such a cozy vibe!
SO glad to see you talking about basic topics, it's a welcome change!
There is more to life than witchcraft so I appreciate this chat!
I was just diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago, it's HELL!
Sending you so much love and wishing you the coziest and warmest Samhain blessings!


Love how 2yrs and 9 months later you still sound authentic and haven’t lost your candid presence. 💐 This past year my inner brain has overridden my habits to just get through each day. A SCAD can do that I guess. I stopped doing things because I should, except at work, (darn it.) Looking at my magic self through a slightly different lens-when you talk to the genius loci long enough it starts to respond in its own way. That is the magik my soul seeks. Take care Lady.


I absolutely loved this chatty tea time video and getting a litle look vehind the curtains of your life, studies, etc. Thank you so much for sharing. And welcome back. ❤🎉


The 'Learn From My Mistakes' video is one of my favorites from your channel! I loved your discussion on the topic and the sharing of your experiences - it made me smile as I reflected on my own experiences that ranged from creepy to silly to totally messing up and having things backfire or energetically turn! The first few years of practical witchcraft application is SO interesting because you're stumbling through figuring it all out for yourself. Man, it is such a magical experience!


So glad you did decide to come back! This season I'm doing cleansing & protection work, and just made some kickass Return to Sender Oil last night. I'll be celebrating Samhain just a few days after my wedding anniversary! Love your work -- thanks so much!


I love the videos where you talk about the 'what's up in life' they are relaxing and show how you can have fun in your practice without having to be serious cause if your serious how can you have fun and remember what you need to remember.. I mean, we should still be able to laugh or cry at mistakes we make it's the way we get better at things - live, love, laugh or what's the point right? 😄 glad that your feeling better, having fun at school, and taking things at a slower pace...thank you for sharing


Ivy, your words resonate deeply with me. I’m embracing a retrospective era, proud of where I’ve arrived, and I think my younger self would be, too. Savoring slow mornings and a slower pace of life. On the paranormal side, I’ve sensed the veil thinning over this past week.


Thank you so much for doing this, I’m glad you’re back. Love your scientific approach to everything and even chatting with a cup of tea, everything you say is structured, logically arranged. Love that 🔥 and the speech speed 👌🏼


I have always been a basic's witch. That way I don't burn out so often. Keeping it simple.


Such a great video, Ivy! You see, there are those of us who love to *learn*, but also we just need to hear from someone who is well read, can put a sentence together and who is just grounded and relatable. This video felt like a visit with an intelligent friend and that is more needful than you perhaps know. Feel free to rinse and repeat this format as often as you will. It's refreshing.


OhMyGosh "I've been alone to long" was hilarious. You are so absolutely real, you are a joy. Thank you.


Thank you for talking about your diagnoses! As someone else going through a medical journey it's actually really nice to hear other people talk about this stuff in a casual way. It makes me feel more normal! There are channels I watch that are specifically about medical stuff and they're helpful but honestly there's something just as, if not more, helpful about someone talking about this stuff on a channel that isn't ALL about it. Too often it feels like the medical stuff is all there is to my life or I should try to pretend it's not there when talking to people. Seeing a casual middle ground of saying yes this is here, it's important, but it's not everything about me is really refreshing!


I claim this cozy vibe energy!!! I love how you are honoring yourself and taking a break from youtube, so healthy and important. When a subject comes up that inspires you, it will be way easier to make a video about it. Also as a fellow autoimmune sufferer, I'm really thrilled you've gotten some knowledge and progress on your healing journey! Its a wild ride for sure.
