Force Peppers to Ripen Faster

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Ever wonder how you can force peppers to ripen faster? This method will allow you to get a few fruits every few days to use. I hope you enjoyed the video. Please like, comment and subscribe!
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hi, i had this year the same issue too, the best thing what helped was cutting all the leeves off, and lett only the fruits on the plant (like a skeleton), it helped pretty quickly and the first fruits startet to ripen after only a few days


I think I will try that now in mid-Sept and see if frost stays away into Oct this year. Great tip!


Hard season in Texas for our Habaneros.They hated the 110 heat.They started blooming in late Sept.Nice video.Thanks.


I know this video is pretty old, but there are other tricks you can use to force the peppers to ripen.

1. Remove unnecessary leaves. If they are very large and old, they serve no real purpose. Their aid in photosynthesis is minimal. You can conservatively remove about 1/2 of the leaves from the pepper plant and it will be just fine. Those leaves are robbing the fruit of nutrients. I just remove them and throw them right back down into the soil so they can break down and nourish the plant.

2. Deprive the plant of water. Only give it 1/2 of the water that you would normally give it. This forces the entire plant into a state of survival mode. Not only will the fruit begin to ripen, but the peppers tend to be hotter than normal when you do this.

Those are my tips for getting the peppers to ripen.


I attempted to ripen some green habaneros by placing them in a paper bag with a small apple I picked (a trick I learned from my Nonna for other fruits), it's been 4 days but no signs of ripening. That's how I happened upon this particular video so I can ripen what's still on the plant so I can make pepper sauce. Thanks for the 411 Khang! P.S., I really enjoyed your video on how to cross breed peppers, great presentation 😊


Khang, another successful method nearing end of season is to cut a branch or two with no pods. This drives lots more energy towards other branches and pods ripen much faster. I only do it as the last three weeks of season occur.


That's actually the slower way, faster would be to take off everything above pods that you want to rippen. That includes all new branches, leaves, small pods and flowers.


great thats just what i needed i have 82 plants of different kinds of peppers but because i had surgerie in late spring all my garden is 3 weeks late in planting so i'm stuck with a lot of green peppers from the Carolina reaper to the Anheim in strenght i love green salsa but not enough to make 100 pounds of it lol..i had started to cut the top branches and big leaves but 10 plants in was wondering if what i was doing would help them along...i new about taking the rippen one the minute they were red but not the rest so thanks a bunch man ...goood peppering everyone ..


Brilliant! I learned something new. Thanks for another perfect video, sir. 🙏


Our season is running late with it being september and we still have 100° temps when it should be in the 70s with not getting below 60° at night. So very unusual for my region. My peppers are still blooming and loaded with pods! Im just going to be patient for now.


Hi Kang! i dont understand how this works.. i thought that a ripening fruit produces ethylene that ensures the fruit ripens uniformly and also it induces neighbouring fruits to ripen.... ??? btw! its amazing how you drive these kratky peppers!!! thx for the videos!! im big fan!!


I always pick my peppers as soon as they are ripe didn’t know I was speeding the process up


Nice! That's pretty awesome I like looking at the videos you make after waiting a few days.. really cool.


Very useful, thanks 👍
What month did you plant those lovely beasts ❓ mine are flowering now and can't wait to try your method .... cheers to you 🤘


I found that Habaneros Pods are dark green, and you see the slightest color change of white or yellow spots or stripes ! There ready to be pick and set on the cabinet to fully ripen ~ It only take 2 or 3 day to ripen out/ leave them setting out longer the color will darken and be come softer, loosing there crispest


Earlier this week i noticed only one chilli in my tree ripened, i plucked it off today again another one was ripe. Luckily also plucked it. Hope more and more will ripen now


Thanks for the tip.
Greetings from the Galilee


You can take some of them and place them in a brown paper bag for a few days it helps


I know this video is crazy old, but is there a difference in heat/taste when you force vs. natural Ripen?


Thanks for the tip Khang you've managed to teach me something new again. Love your videos keep up the good work.Thanks to you I'm trying to grow super hots too I'm learning a lot from your videos thanks again.
