Iron Beam - Israel's Latest Laser Weapon

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Israel has unveiled its newest laser weapon - the Iron Beam. This cutting-edge weapon is capable of destroying targets up to 50 kilometers away, making it a major threat to enemy tanks and troops.

Israel's Iron Beam is a major threat to enemy tanks and troops, and is capable of destroying targets up to 50 kilometers away. This cutting-edge weapon is a major threat to enemy tanks and troops, and is capable of destroying targets up to 50 kilometers away. If you're interested in learning more about Israel's Iron Beam, be sure to check out the video below!

#lightshield #ironbeamlaser #israel

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I am confident that with the brains and talents that GOD endowed on the Israelis this life saving project will come into fruition soon. May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob bless and protect Israel always!


5:10 - Right, this idea of laser shooting down missiles is not new but I read somewhere that the Iron Beam's approach of tech is going to be different and work different than previous attempts of other countries and so they believe they would be able to pull it off and make it actually work in a good way, if they would then it's good news for all of Israel's allies like USA and many more since then they would be able to buy this system and have a rather advanced and very low cost defense system.


Former Defense Minister Gantz wanted to share a project with the US so that it would save 500 million NIS, the money Gantz saved invested in budgetary pensions for generals from the General Staff instead of investing in the completion of the project


I’m confident that Israel will get it up running. They have God on their side


As King David defeated the enemies of God, so will Israel defeat the enemies of God. Let God arise and let his enemies be scattered.


The power will DEACREASE over DISTANCE.
Thats the FLAW of iron beam.


if it is so cheap then high production and vast numbers will of course answer the issues surrounding short range... volume volume volume


Why not mount the lasers on anchored dirgibles above the clouds so the weather doesn't affect them.


Yes Israël will be successful with this System 👍🙋


When our friends, the Israel is manufacturing their weapons, they should consider the weapons of their enemy allies this can be done with the help of spy agency teams, think tank, experts, special weapons and tactics teams, talented engineering teams, experts on military budgets, and so on.


It is said Defensive System.
Why attacking Gaza.


The United States pays for 20% of Israel's military budget while Israel has a space program, universal health care, and still runs a budget surplus for six of the last ten years.


The US military budget is 800 billion dollars and has mutual defence treaties with 40 counties. Israel is not one of those countries. None of the countries with a mutual defence treaty have large militaries because they know the US will protect them. This averages 20 billion dollars per country, so the 3.5 billion dollars that Israel receives is less than 20% of the treaty allied counties. So here is a proposal, let the US sign a mutual aid pact with Israel and the U.S. will discontinue aide to Israel.
