3 ingredient Egg Pudding!

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If you dont have the steamer that's used in the video, click the link below. Hope this helps.

Here's the recipe for a very easy, simple egg pudding with only 3 ingredients!
This is commonly known as “Leche Flan”

For Sugar syrup:
4 tablespoons Sugar
3 tablespoons Water

For Egg Mixture:
1 cup Fresh Milk ( 1/2 L )
1/4 cup Sugar
4 Eggs

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This recipe made me question my whole existence. I added a little bit of salt in the egg mixture and OML IM IN HEAVEN. I made 2 batches and TRUST ME, LEAVE IT IN THE FRIDGE FOR 1 DAY AND ITS SO GOOD VKDHFJSOFIEJFJ


My two younger brothers saw this video this morning, I'm making it right now at midnight so they could have it when he wakes up. Wish me luck! ❤
edit: This recipe worked and it's delicous! For a few minutes it felt like I am Gordon Ramsey from the way my brothers praised me hahahaha. I' m leaving for a few tips below for a more detailed instruction and/or alternatives for noobs in the kitchen like me lol XD
*Tip #1*
- If you want a nice golden brown caremel color of the sugar, leave it on for half a minutes before mixing continuesly. As you go by, the syrup will start to turn into a pale light brown and would turn into different shades for every mix you do. Do this until it reaches the 90% of the color that is on the video before quickly removing it into the heat. This is because the residual heat will cook the sugar into it's perect color without burning off. *USE MEDIUM HEAT*
*(I burned a couple of batches before achieving the perfect color that I want so chill out and do not be stresssed if things do not go on your way for the first few times.)*
*Tip #2*
- That bubling sweet devil syrup is *EXTREMELY HOT* so be carefull when you are try to transfer it into your bowl of choice. It also hardens quite quickly so better move that ass faster if you do not want to end up having a couple of blisters because of that little devil.
*(I ended up eating all the burned and reject products 'coz I do not want to be chased by slippers in our house sooo... yeah, my sugar level just spiked up a few notches that day lol)*
*Tip #3*
- Things are pretty tamed in this part now that we got rid of that bubbling devil. You may want to start boiling your water in a pot for your steamer so by the time you finished combining the ingredients, you could proceed quickly.
*(Do not be like me, a master procratinator and ended up waiting for an eternity for the water to boil, also after I cooked this, our gas tank ran out (oops father) but luckily I'ved managed and it did not run out on me)*
*Tip #4*
- Just mix all your ingredients and you are good to go. If you do n0t have a blender but still want to have that silky smooth texture, feel free to use a whist or a hand mixer (your call) however before you transfer it with your bowl make sure you sift it through ( you could use the net type sifter or whatever you have) This is to prevent having clumps and to separate any egg whites that did not dissoleved and *TADA* You now have a silky smooth batter.
-*if you want the super duper ultra mega rich creamy and silky batter try using only the yolks, besides it's the original recipe anyway. People just can't bare to say goodbye to the egg whites since it really is wasteful to just throw those things to the bin*
*(The first batches that I made have clumps and air pockets in them so hahaha it loked like a steamed scrambled egg lol)*
*Tip #5*
-Pop it down to the steamer and this could either make or break your pudding. *MAKE SURE THAT THE LID HAVE A LITTLE GAP* Since we are trapping the steam with the lead, it is inevatable that the the water vapor will pour down back to the steamer, *and what's the thing inside your steamer?* *THE FREAKING PUDDING YOU FOUGHT WITH THE BUBBLING DEVIL JUST TO MAKE* If the water falls back down to the mixture *your dead* Your pudding will turn soggy and just full of water when you bite into. Try to put a little gap but still essentialy trapping a huge amount of steam. That tilting gap would provide as the "drain" so the water droplets would fall there rather on your pudding
- *(Trust me it's not a good experience)* *Soggy pudding* imagine eating that and I know you'll follow this tip to prevent that catastrophe.
*Tip #6*
- *THE MOST CRUEL PART OF ALL* Leave that baby alone after it cooked and cool it down. *I pledge on the life of my pots that it taste best when chilled* Try making it at night like what I did, pop it into the fridge then sleep. I set my mind as if it's Christmass tomorrow morning and Santa promised me a wonderfull treat ready to eaten at just one pull of that fridge. *Patience is a Virtue baby* Trust this older sister okay?
*Tip #7*
- *Just enjoy every step of this whole shenanigan. Try to think of the reason you are making that. Boredom? A burst of creativeness? For speacial someone? For family member? Or even just for you tummy while you watch netflix. It does not matter. Food is supposed to be enjoy before and after it's creation. Do not be afraid to fail, just get up and do it again ( just make sure to remove the evidences of your failure if you do not want to be chased by a slipper)*
PS. If there are any questions, do not hesitate to comment down bellow and I'll answer it as soon as I can.



Who is watching this video during quarantine period


If you dont have the steamer that's used in the video, click the link below. Hope this helps.


A little piece of advice: instead of using a blender, try mixing the eggs and warm milk in a bowl. Mix the eggs in the bowl beforehand then while mixing slowly add the warm milk. That way the eggs won't cook inside the bowl.


Who else is scrolling down to see if someone tried and it worked?!😂


As a filipino who grew up on Egg pudding. I will never forget my mom's recipe for Leche Flan.


Everybody who has all the ingredients:

Meanwhile me with no sugar:


Iam gonna try this but just hope that "it works, otherwise going to get powerful lecture from mom for wasting eggs in coronavirus" :-)


Its needs some kind of falvour like vanilla, elachi, etc or it just blank poached eggs with sugar. JUST add some falvour and a lil pinch of salt. Also dont forget to dum/aluminium foil cover ur pudding or it get wet
-Chef, Abel Joseph


I have all the ingredient and tools except space in my fridge. lol


Wow!! I saw this video today and tried it for iftaar(break of fast for Muslims) and it was so good
It came out perfect 💗😄


I made this but changed it a little bit. I used 3 eggs, 1 1/2 tsp vanilla, used sweetened condensed milk instead of the sugar in the custard. I did the beginning the exact same way. It was so yummy!! I’m surprised it turned out! First time trying this. If I didn’t have sweetened condensed milk I would of made it same in the recipe with the sugar. Thank you so much for the recipe and showing how to make it!!


This is my favorite flan recipe video. I always come back to it! Simple and straight forward. 👏🏼👏🏼


To improve this add a drop of vanilla extract and a tiny pinch of salt.


Best recipe ever! It came out scrumptious. It’s so simple to make, cheap and delicious.


I love this pudding. I could eat the whole thing in one sitting.


Made this recipe this week, it was easy to do, completely foolproof, it turned out beautiful and was tasty, didn't have an overpowering taste of egg which I thought was great. The dessert was gone as soon as I served it. ❤ A success. Thank you.😊 (I didn't use a blender, instead I used a sifter to sift the eggs onto the milk mixture).


first i tried but then i thought that i failed and then just gave up and kept it in the fridge but then in the morning it turned out great. its cracked but nobody's perfect


I know how to make this pudding before this video. I love this pudding from my childhood.Now my daughter too likes it.
