Being Bored is Good for Kids | Psych in 60

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If you're a parent, I can guarantee you've heard your kids say, "I'm bored. I don't know what to do."

Well, the idea of being bored is really good for kids because eventually, they'll figure out what to do, they'll get creative.

With the advent of video games, it's really hard for kids to be bored unless parents are setting limits.

When you limit electronics, it forces a child to be bored. Boredom creates creativity.

One example is I say, in my house, "no electronics today." They get bored, and then two hours later they're building a fort in the front yard or they've pulled out legos, toys, or they're playing a game.

So, boredom is good, you don't need to entertain your kids all the time.

When a kid says, "I'm bored", you can look at them and say, "Good! I hope you figure that out" and you go on about your day, and they'll figure it out, too.

For more fast and practical psychology, view other videos in our Psych in 60 series. If you'd like more parenting tips and tricks, check out our book Southeast Psych's Guide for Imperfect Parents on the Psych Bytes store.

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