DJI Mavic Air 2 Active Track vs Skydio 2: Tested & Footage!

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Complete real-world (non-sponsored) side by side comparison between the DJI Mavic Air 2 and the Skydio 2 in Active Track modes (Trace and Parallel). For the DJI Mavic Air 2 it's using Active Track 3.0 with the latest updated APAS to track me (the cyclist) while the Skydio 2 is using it's camera network to track me autonomously (no controller required). I did multiple runs of these tests to see how they handled the exact same route, complete with trees, trees, and more trees. Oh, and following someone: Me.


#DJIMavicAir2 #Skydio2 #MavicAir2
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Now that is what you call a 'real world' test - not afraid of a crash - to do proper evaluation! Great video.


Great Review, it’s important to note that these are 2 different drones for 2 different things. The Mavic Air is a cinematic drone with tracking features and the Skydio is a tracking drone with cinematic features. Both incredible at what they do.


This is great. Happens to be the first video of yours I’ve ever watched and decided to subscribe. Makes me wish I hadn’t wasted time watching full videos of people giving their opinion or speculation about the drones that they don’t even have. Really like the real world scenarios and commentary based on experience.


Among hundreds reviews of the air 2, this is the most useful one for me, from a mavic pro user point of view, thank you for the amazing work!!


Finally someone did a proper review on what we care.


This is a really good video. No irritating music or hyped over-the-top style, just good info.


7:51 Low Battery warning
Everybody : Fly back.
DC : YOLO. continue tracking fly above the water. 😂


I own the skydio 2, and the biggest reason I want the Mavic air 2 is that you can turn all the sensors off. Skydio needs to allow experienced pilots to disable the sensors for better cinematography and night flying. That being said, I think these 2 drones compliment each other well.


Was literally just looking for this when I got the notification.


Your tweet from earlier today now makes a little more sense 😂 I kept trying to find a thread you were responding to. Great video, you really nailed the most important question, now I want to see the full review. DC Rainmaker & Co. needs to be an essential business!


9:00 I literally felt my heart drop! Yea I do zero active tracking on Mavic 2 near trees and water... and the new models have yet to convince me lol.


I enjoy cycling. It's like having your own "tour de France" video crew with helicopter and motorbike recording your ride. Just brilliant. Cycled our "Snake Pass" in Derbyshire, England earlier this year with little road traffic due to lock down. Would have been great to have one of these beauties to record my ride.


When the Mavic Air was parallel tracking you and it almost hit that sign I felt my entire body tense up! haha, great review I purchased the fly more combo and I am stoked!


I really love your drone videos!!


For Sale: "One slightly used Dji Mavic Air 2 with some crash damage" LOL


Awesome comparison dude! This is actually my first time seeing the Skydio in action, I didn't realize how sharp its color profiles are for video, damn


As a Electronic Engineer, I really want to see the specs on the MA2. I'm not a fan of IR sensors for this type of work. IR is OK but really lacks the data depth you want and need to build a really good 3D map of your environment which is why I think the Skydio does better. The problem with optical sensors like the Skydio uses is 1) don't work at night which limits your night flying and 2) it is a massive amount of data which takes a ton of processing power. The Skydio has the CPU/GPU power to handle the data coming in which ultimately gives it more headroom for improvement. Skydio's problem right now is just refining their algorithms...which is a solvable problem. The MA2 may not be able to improve much because 1) they are missing the sensors as you point out and 2) unless they have some more CPU/GPU power under the hood compared to previous generations, what you see now is what you will get and probably not much more. Hence, I would really love to see the architecture to know whether it has the processing chops to get better with future updates....though from what I can see, I suspect not. It's good for what it is but it is still not an action drone...Skydio still wins in that aspect....though as you point out, still room for improvement.


Thank you so much for taking your time and expertise to do all this stuff. I'm still pretty new at this, so it's a real help for me.


I think you did a very fair review, and I enjoyed it. However, 2 things I have to criticize, though you did touch on one a little. The MA2 does not have side or top sensors, which you pointed out. Well, at least to me, it's pretty obvious, that's the reason it can't track you in profile mode. And of course, I agree, DJI would've really hit a home run if they would've added those. Like you, I was really impressed on how well it actually did! Not to mention, the collision with a sign at full speed, and still able to fly? LOL, try that with a DJI Phantom right? That thing would've exploded!

I'm sure you already know what I'm going to say next. Honestly, if they put those side and top sensors on, there wouldn't be any reason for a Mavic Pro 3. Which is obviously going to come out sooner or later. Myself, as well as many others expect great things from their top of the line Mavic, and I can't wait to see it. I'm thinking they are going to crush it, and kill the Skydio, and everything else out there. I mean, why wouldn't you make you're top of the line Mavic, NOT do that. I'm sure the Mavic Pro 3 will have some downfalls, but, most likely not many.

Something else. The Skydio 2 is a great drone, no doubt about it. But, if you really want it to do anything but follow you, you need the transmitter, let's be honest. At that point, you're at $1150.00, but with the MA2, you're at $799.00, not to mention being 9 miles per hour faster, and 10 more minutes of flight time.

I know this video, was to show, just a tracking comparison, I'm fully aware of this. And as I said, you did a great job, and it was very fair. Was even a little surprised that the Skydio 2 lost you one time.

One comparison video I would love to see you make, since I just found your channel, and you seem to be very fair, would be a MA2 vs. Autel Evo 2 comparison. I hope you read this, and thank you. I've subscribed, and hit the like button.


One of the best of not, the best comparation testing. Congrats
