Horrible Arguments for the Roman Catholic Priesthood

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Started off covering a Catholic Answers article trying to find “clues” to the Roman priesthood in the Bible.

All production and credit belongs to Alpha and Omega Ministries.
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The glaring issue that comes to my mind is the fact that the Catholics look to the priesthood of Levi to draw comparisons to their modern priesthood. Christ is literally called a priest of the order of Melchizedek. Unless I am mistaken (which is more than possibly), Melchizedek was the only priest of God in his time.


"To be deep in the Bible, is to be absent of the Vatican" - J.D. Randall


Roman Priesthood is just a reinvention of the Levitical Priesthood. The Levitical Priesthood exclusively presented offering in the temple. Roman Priesthood exclusively presented the so-called bloodless sacrifice of Christ in the Eucharist, spuriously made-up with the sacred tradition of man.


'Clues' just makes me think of the late John Shelby Spong, he was forever searching for 'clues' (that weren't there) to fit into his aberration of a warped theology lol


Do you think it would be a good or bad idea for the RCC to do away with the requirement for priests to be celibate/unmarried and allow them to marry? That is, do you think that doing so would/could bring the RCC more in line with scripture with regard to church leadership?


Most Catholics never read the Bible. Sad.


I was wondering what Roman Catholics believed about the priesthood of believers concept in 1 Peter


Here in Germany young believers of the Eastern Orthodox Church try to influence sola Scriptura believers, and they are very successful, using arguments such as „the apostolic succession“, „the apostolic fathers are students of the apostles“, „the Bible canon came out hundreds of years later“, „no one was able to read“, „it was the church teaching everything“, „Bible says that the church is ground and pillar of truth“, „oral tradition is mentioned in the Bible“, „Bible talks about priests and bishops“, „you have edited the Bible - deuterocanonical books“, „look how many Protestant denominations you have“, „church canonized the Bible“ etc.

These are their arguments. And at least regarding the apostolic fathers being students to the apostles, I think in cases of Clemens of Rome, Polykarb, Irenaeus and others, they are right.

I would love to see a video refuting them on church history.


1) The eucharist (thanksgiving) didn't need a temple priest originally.
2) People meet and fellowshipped without need of a temple priest.
3) The idea of a centered faith with figure heads did >>>NOT<<< exist for early Christians.
4) No person claimed in the early church to be "another Jesus"(alter christus).
5) No man in the early church that wasn't known as a heretic claimed he could remove sins by saying words like a magic phrase (ego te absolvo)


Catholic dogmas based on Bible clues 😂😂😂


Good info, thanks. May our hearts be soft for those who are under blind guidance and our resolve to be willing and able to provide firm-footed guidance strong.


James, please help me understand the development of presbyter to priest and why we translate the word priest for the Old Testament “kohen” but not for the New Testament wherever it says “presbyter”. How come if the etymological root of the word is presbyter we apply the word priest to words in the Old Testament such as kohen which it has no etymological connection but not for the word presbyter and elder


Since the very beginning, God made it quite clear man is not to be alone and to be fruitful AND multiply. These single and celibate priests are quite clearly alone and robbed of companionship they are supposed to have. Not bad guys but their awful loss.


Bishops originally were priests. They delegated some of their Priestly authority to the Presbyters making them "priests" under them. Married priest were the norm in the East. Monks were not only unmarried, but "monastic" meaning isolated from society. In Orthodoxy a "Presbyter" is a tool of the Priest who is the Bishop.

But in Roman belief, every Priest is just a tool of the Pope. He is the only "Priest" and has direct jurisdiction over every church.

But think of it this way, if an Apostle had started a church, and then told a Presbyter, "I am going to leave for now, it's your job to do such and such while I am gone" what is wrong with that?

In the East, the word Priest, really only refers to Bishops, and we use the word Priest just to talk with Romans with terms they understand.


Notice how white downplays the rebellion, reads the verse that they sought the priesthood, and when caught in his own error rephrased in his own words that they rebelled against the way God ordered things. Ordered things like.. The priesthood? which you just addmited when you read the scripture? Sounds like white has some similarities with Korah.


Sola scriptura is a slogan invented by protestants. It is not in the bible.


Bishop is a priest (at last supper apostles are essentially both bishop and priest) initially bishops are inherently priests (how is this know in the nt - they offer the mass)


Also, Bishops and Deacons existed before the New Testament was complete, and referring to them, proof positive that the N.T. springs from the Church, not the other way around.


Mr. Mitch Pacwa might be a nice guy, but he is a very evil man.
He is also very disingenuous!!!! He plays what I call the "typical roman catholic pagan lying games". He does not play it as bad as Staples, Horn, Marshall, Madrid, Stravinskas, Sungenis ect..., but he does play it. Those other guys couldn't tell the truth if their salvation depended on it, and it does!!! Why do these pagans lie for their sadistic cult and try to send themselves to hell? I will never understand why they need a cult they know they must lie for and attack scripture, true tradition, and even their own faith's founding beliefs for what romanism has mutated into.


Lol I see this was 3 years ago... the coughing and sniffling comes across as a big deal today (2021) 😂
