Halo Infinite vs Halo 5 | Sidearms

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Halo Infinite vs Halo 5 Sidekick & Gunfighter Magnum

#halo5 #halo

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Y'know, people may have (rightfully) complained about H5's bloated file size, but I really do miss how many permutations of the guns there were. Not being restricted to physically and performatively identical guns was something I think I took for granted and would definitely like to see return in Infinite


The halo 5 headshot sound is so satisfying


I'm glad they went with the gunfighter magnum as inspiration for infinite's pistol. Means that if 343 implement a more classic magnum, it can be more fleshed out than just "the pistol"


So many of y’all slept on H5. It’s been cool seeing more folks appreciate it recently.


I remember when they did the gameplay test and used the gunfighter magnum. I was so bummed, I really didn't want to lose the h5 magnum. The gunfighter/sidekick feel like I'm spazzing out. 5 shotting people was the best.


I like how the people that shit on H5 are like "yeah i miss H5" too late, many complained and 343 is scared to do something like that again


Honestly, Infinite’s sidearm sounds like a real gun.


This is the Aozolai content I subbed for. You've got LOTS of video ideas, as they write themselves, comparing every weapon and vehicle between the games. Godspeed


Both are good in my eyes. Good design, good gunplay, good sounds, just overall good.


The animations are nearly identical. I assume Sidekick is the direct evolution of Halo 5's G Magnum.


I knew it! The infinite pistol is faster, but WEAKER than 5s!


I've never noticed just how similiar the animations and feel of Halo Infinite is to 5.


As much as I Love Halo Infinite theses comparisons to Halo 5 make me realize how underated the graphics we're in Halo 5 🔥


Halo 5 headshot sound effect was spot on, personally i found it more satisfying than infinites


Absolutely dope! I've been looking for a comparison video for the pistols like this! The animation is very similar to the magnum in Halo infinite, especially the idle animation! Good stuff, man! 😁👍🏻


Hi Aozolai. Since you are back with the videos, I would like to ask you to make a proper Halo Infinite x Halo 5 graphics comparison (textures, lighting, effects, sound, etc.). It is funny that there is no in depht comparison by these two games yet on the internet, so it would be cool to see one, if possible. Thanks!


I'm still mad they removed the big boy space deagle for a generic mw pistol


Hoenstly halo 5 multipler was banging, especially warzone and the weapon varients are what made it fun, its just campaign and everything else was so bad that it ruined it.


I had a feeling that Infinite’s Sidearm was similar to the Gunfighter Mag

But compared to 5’s OG Magnum and how DEADLY that bitch was, it doesn’t even compare…makes me wish the sidearm was that. Dome-ing people from across the map and being like “…all I have is my pistol? I got this.” In Halo 5? Man…so much fun

Meanwhile I can get some decent shots with the Sidearm but it ends up being “…all I have is my pistol? I think I’m done for.”


As odd and as cartoon-ish as the sound design was in Halo 5, it still gave the sound of each weapon some degree of character. Infinite was designed with the intention of appealing to "modern audiences", so that meant all sense of character was reduced to the most generic of designs possible. Granted, an attempt at authenticity remains present, but it too was massively reduced -- Firing weapons sometimes have a fair punch to them in Infinite, so at least those sounds commanded a fair amount of respect. The AR still suffers from peashooter syndrome, though.

The really odd thing is that Halo's sound design was known for its characteristic qualities, so much so that merely playing those sounds back induces a strong sense of nostalgia in many people.

Halo 4's sound was reasonably controversial for its stronger sense of realism, also deviating from expressionistic character. The difference between there and Infinite though is I believe they adhered strongly to this realism, that most weapons have appropriate punch, thereby inducing respect for its potency, yet also understood the physical differences between each weapon and sounded them accordingly so you could still tell each weapon apart naturally -- Each weapon has a certain cadence to them corresponding to their physical design, realistic or not. Some weapons' clinks though made them sound like toys to many people, I think that's the one aspect where Halo 4's sound truly fails. For the complaint that the game is "too loud", notice, volume options exist in the pause menu.

Halo 5 took an extremely basic approach with weapon sound design, making the most basic of bangs, booms and chinks for the human weapons, the most basic of pew-pews and *_[GJEEOOOWW!!]_* -s for the alien weapons and slightly weirder pew-pews and *_[GJEEOOOWW!!]_* -s for the Promethean weapons. You can tell them apart, alright, but the sense of potency and respect is largely lost, despite the _(sometimes)_ more realistic visual graphics. It may be a reattempt at expressionistic character, but it seems the creativity present in the original Halos remained absent. But the sound of Halo 5 is still quite distinct from the rest, and is fairly characteristic, even if stupidly so.

Halo Infinite barely tries on any front and takes the most generic route. Creatively, characteristically and realistically, even when compared to Halo 5, it is severely lacking. It serves the gameplay by being as generic as possible so you pay it no mind, so that seems beneficial, except you'd tend to get used to the sound or ignore it to focus on the gameplay anyways, no matter the sound, so is there any benefit? As aforementioned, some weapons have good punch, but there's barely any expressive character, barely any cadence, barely even a cartoon-ish exaggeration. Realistic reverberations of the sound are quite impressive, but the sound itself is desperately lacking other than for sheer amplitude, sometimes.

Truthfully, Halo Infinite doesn't sound bad, but this is _Halo, _ not Call of Duty, and no matter how well fine-tuned the gameplay is, part of Halo's identity has been lost, as much of its iconography was its sound design.

The more and more people say "it's just fine" or "it doesn't matter", the more and more the talent for good sound design diminishes. Not just the old, iconic sound of Halo, but any creative or realistic push either, for any game or piece of media. Will we ever achieve something as creative and as awe inspiring as _Halo: Combat Evolved_ if it all doesn't matter?
