The Full Story of Halo 5 - Before You Play Halo Infinite

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We're now approaching the final leg of our full story recap of the Halo series. Last time, we talked about Halo 4, which ended in dramatic fashion with the death of Cortana and a new threat to the galaxy emerging. Now, we're moving on to Halo 5: Guardians, which, frankly, is a little bit of a mess- but obviously, it's going to be crucial to what happens in Halo Infinite, so let's dive right in.
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Honestly one of the most disappointing things about Halo 5’s campaign is how at the end, when master chief and arbiter meet again after over 4 years, they literally say nothing to each other.


I understand the story better watching this than when i played the game


I've never played Halo 5, due to not owning an xbox, dissapointed that it wasn't included in Master Chief collection.
Even with it's bad reputation I would still like to play it, but don't feel like buying a whole console just for 1 bad game.
So this is a decent wrap up before playing Infinite.


Halo 5 is a somewhat interesting story, hidden behind a really convoluted execution.


I’m so glad I found this summary. I love all the halo games but halo 5 when I started playing the campaign I realized how hard it was to keep up with the story as you progress. And the constant jumping back and forth between the two characters and their different playing styles just killed the whole game for me


The one where Master Chief fought Luke Cage - in


Making Cortana the Big Bad Evil Guy was definitely one of the choices of all time...


I played this whole campaign and don’t know half this stuff. What a shame ! Thankful for this video to emerge myself in !


Thank you for the non biased story recap. I refused to play Halo 5 but still love the story of Halo. I gotta get the books sometime.


Would still like to see 5 be ported to PC.


I've played every Halo game since 2000. This was THE most convoluted. I'm 12 hours into Infinite now and had to go back because I remember none of the recaps being offered.
After watching this, I'm reminded what a mess Halo 5 is. So you're saying I had to play Halo Wars 2 to know the lead into Infinite?


Thanks for this recap, nice job. Hate what they did with Cortana.


I played Halo 5 a few years ago and had no idea what happened.


Thank you so much! Halo 5 had a lot going on! I appreciate this explanation!


Halo 5 seemed promising but the execution was terrible. My biggest critique of Halo 5 aside from it being convoluted was them bringing back Cortana after the emotional farewell in Halo 4 just to turn her evil. It took a lot away from the farewell. I know that Bungie initially had plans about Cortana's rampancy and her turning on Chief but doing it after her farewell in 4 was just bad timing. I'm happy that Halo: Infinite seems to have fixed the shortcomings of Halo 5... especially in regards to Cortana. Having pretty much completed it at this point, I really liked Chief and The Weapon's interactions. You can tell that he wants to trust The Weapon but he's struggling to because of his experience with Cortana in Halo 5.


Bro I feel like I’m cramming for an exam and watching summary videos when its just halo 😂


IMO, Halo 5 really isn't as bad as the internet says it is. It's a really beautiful game and quite fun to play. You can tell that 343 were pretty ambitious in their storytelling but unfortunately, they didn't connect with the basics like explaining what the Domain is, how did Cortana really survive, why couldn't the Didact use the Domain and most importantly, making us care about Locke. Speaking of Locke, I feel like he was forced on us as well. But all in all, I still enjoyed 4 and 5 because the forerunner lore is incredibly interesting to me


for someone who jumped in with Infitnite (and is mostly okey-ish on the game) these videos have been great. thanks.

one (among other) thoughts that I had watching this, is how ... just visually / design language wise it changed for the overstylized...

the forerunners first creation we encounter is a halo. a ring. with beautiful earth like envoirements (for some reason). it is however, just a ring. elegant. odd. it's memorable for it's simplicity and weird mix of nature and tech.

and now.. those guardians... are the most, typical sci-fi angel thingys.. instantly forgetable. with floaty bits and infinitely complex design elements... it's compleeetly diffrent design language, and are supposed to be created by the same race. that.. that just doesn't gel.

the "guardians" should've been just sticks or something. fuck it. make it a monolith like in 2001. .. but not sci-fi winged creatures that could fit into any other generic sci-fi film /game.
that's disappointing.


4:19 I love that the Forerunners named their computer network the Domain, which is essentially what most business networks are called in real life (i.e. domain servers). At first I thought it was a coincidence until I remembered that Microsoft is behind Halo. That can't be an accident.


I've watched this twice and I still don't know what's going on in this game
