Make a 'Forest Lights' Quilt with Jenny Doan of Missouri Star (Video Tutorial)

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Jenny demonstrates how to make a gorgeous star quilt using 10 inch squares of precut fabric. For this project, she chose Utopia Metallic 10" Squares by Chong-a Hwang for Timeless Treasures. This pretty layer cake quilt pattern is made of easy half square triangle star blocks. That's it!

Jenny uses the "easy eight" technique to whip up half-square triangles eight at a time. She squares up each block with the Bloc Loc square up ruler, but the Clearly Perfect Slotted Trimmer works great, too! (Watch to the end to see a beautiful bonus quilt—a panel with a border made of mini star blocks chopped in half!)

Get the supplies needed to make this quilt by clicking the link below:

Learn to sew with Jenny Doan as she teaches quilting tutorials from the heart. She’s the smiling face of Missouri Star Quilt Company! Stitching together simplified quilts full of love and laughter, Jenny makes quilting friendlier than ever before. With over half a million YouTube subscribers and more than 150 million views to date, she has sparked enthusiasm for quilting across the globe.

Missouri Star Quilt Company provides totally FREE quick and easy quilting, sewing, and craft tutorials every single week because we love to help you create! Follow along with these fun online classes to learn more about quilt design and quilting techniques. It’s an inspiration for everyone—from beginners to advanced quilters. To make quilting easier than ever before, precut fabrics are used as the building blocks of most projects. These quilt fabrics like layer cakes, charm packs, and jelly rolls make textile patchwork as easy as pie! Plus, we offer quilt patterns and quilting supplies along with gorgeous quilt material to simplify your experience. We hope you enjoy our quilting tutorials. Be sure to subscribe so you don’t miss a single one!

#missouristar #forestlights #howtoquilt
Рекомендации по теме

“Go ahead and chain piece your legs…your star legs, not your actual legs”. Who else caught that and had to pause to finish your chuckle for the day? Oh Jenny, sometimes you really do crack me up! ❤️


Jenny, this is so very beautiful! I'm in love with this one! I'm sad 😢 that the fabric squares are not available anymore. I want to do it so much. 😊 I will try another fabric.
YOU teach so well, and inspire me. The fact that you get directionally kerfuffled gives me hope, because I do too some of the time.Thank you for sharing this with us.


I love the half stars on the panel. Very clever


Absolutely love the colours in this quilt. Great tutorial as usual Jenny 😊😊


2 gorgeous quilts this week & because I loved the fabrics when I first saw them I ordered. They came in the mail the other day so all ready to go. I was just thinking about making the night sky quilt with them but glad I waited so I can make this one instead & really like that it is bigger. I feel a bit like I won a quilting lottery tonight :) The Hubs and I just celebrated our 41st anniversary yesterday, the 9th & I wanted to make Him a beautiful quilt to commemorate the love & beauty He has shared with me all these years. I still feel like He hung the moon for me so making Him 16 beautiful stars in a quilt is my way of wrapping Him up in a tangible expression of my love/happiness :) The panel quilt is beautiful too, It looks like the wind is blowing the leaves around under that starry sky. Made me think of The Winds of March so good job picking that one for this weeks tutorial too. I love all your tutorials & look forward to them all.. Thank You Jenny & MSQC for all You do to keep our machines & our heart Humming. God Bless You...


Jenny, I’ve purchased 3 sewing machines over the years, thinking each time that maybe the features on the machine would enable me to quilt…wrong. You’ve shown me that the right teachers will enable me to quilt! I’ve made two baby quilts, and I love this one soooo much that I’m going to grow up now and make this beautiful adult quilt. Thank you Jenny and MSQC. 💚


Great tutorial loved it you make it look so easy. now I can't wait to sit down and mess mine up!🤣


I was so shocked last night when I sat down to watch this video. Last night I got a package of material in the mail and in it was the same 10" squares from Timeless Treasures that in this quilt. Guess fate has sealed what quilt I'll be making with them. Thanks Jenny.


I enjoyed both quilts but particularly the panel quilt. The border is going to be awesome to do with patriotic Quilt of Valor quilts! Thank you Jenny!


2 absolutely stunning quilts. Blues & purples are my favorite colors so of course this tutorial was a hit. I keep saying I need to stop buying fabric until I’ve used up what I have but then another one shows up that I simply must have! And that border for the panel quilt is brilliant!


Good Evening Jenny, I love late Thursday Night’s as I look forward to seeing what you came up this week and I Love the Quilt and the Bonus Quilt. I never would have had the thought to boarder the quilt like this.. it’s so pretty and the colors set it off beautifully. Thank you for sharing Jenny, and I cannot tell you show many times I twirl each of those triangles around until I get them right. 😳😉👍 I am angle challenged too. Have a wonderful weekend. 🥰 Chris


What a great tutorial. Such a gorgeous fabric line. Definitely brings the WOW factor to a whole nother level. Thanks Miss Jenny for showing us another fantastic pattern. I really like this one. 😊🤗


Oh my it is two for one Friday! Love them both! Thanks Jenny!


Good morning Jenny, I love both of your quilts today. Although i might not be normally into dark/black fabric, it just makes this northern lights quilt sparkle and the bonnie panel quilt is just as gorgeous. Thank material is utterly stunning and oh how i love that you match your backing with the same line of design. I think that these quilts might be fight over with your family because of it's popularity. Thank you for sharing your talent with us once more and for the easy 16 triangles. Sending crafty hugs from Norah, Glenochil Village, Scotland


Love Timeless Treasures fabrics. Both of these are great!


I love both quilts but that panel border was brilliant!


Beautiful quilt Jenny. Love the star border on the panel quilt too. Very pretty♥️🇦🇺


The panel border of half stars is great!


The quilt pattern looks so easy and beautiful, but WOW! That fabric with the black background! Simply stunning!


Love it especially the border on the panel. Love the colours!
