'Tips' for a Good Catholic Marriage /W Damon Owens

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Damon Owens talks Theology of the body and how we can feel more fulfilled only by living out a better understanding of what we were made for.

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My husband and I had a marriage characterized by a lot of arguing, drama and unhappiness for over 30 years…until we did one thing. We invited Our Lady into our home. We began saying Rosaries, returned to the mass and the sacraments, truly learning the Faith and growing closer to God. The better Catholics we became, the closer we drew to God. The closer to God we each became, the closer we got to each other. Within a month, we rarely argued. The most important step was worshipping and praying together. It changed our attitudes about life and each other, transforming us into a loving couple instead of an arguing one.


Regardless what the world says about sexual identity, our sexuality still has a deep function which speaks of the mystery of God.


Thank you sooo much!!! I have been struggling with my future wife and this is just precious, communicating and asking for forgiveness is like a marital way of confessing to each other.


I'm a celibate, why am I watching this? Oh yes, I just like watching these guys explain stuff.


Brilliant insights, these 15 minutes were worth more than hours of learning for me!


I wish you’d do a show on couples who have had physical problems in their marriage. Like vaginal atrophy where intercourse is virtually impossible. There are many causes: medication, low testosterone in women, surgery like hysterectomies cause this, and more. It is very common. According to the catechism, there is absolutely nothing for couples dealing with this or related problems. And after talking to several priests who wouldn’t even respond to it, the last one I spoke to said, well you and your husband are called to live a chaste life because sex must be completed through intercourse. So then marriages struggle sex is over within the marriage because otherwise you’re in a state of mortal sin. The other issue is that when you are post menopausal whether it be young due to surgery or natural circumstances then why is the completion of intercourse necessary? Procreation is not going to occur! I’m sorry for being so blunt but of all of the sex within marriage talks not one I hear addresses the what if, and how a couple is supposed to have a complete marriage if sex and intimacy is possible but not intercourse. The couple is supposed to not climax in the relationship which seems so odd. So I was told “you and your husband are called to a chaste life!” What? Is this true because no one will answer me and it has been years literally. Coming back from infidelity, years of counseling but nothing in the church to address it without literally knocking on doors for answers. Why isn’t the church speaking on this?


People often talk about marriage, but never talk about dating or how to meet other good Catholics.


This is a great video. I do love this channel, the content is really great.


Ahh yes the answers to the real questions we are asking.


Sexual gifts from God deserve Sexual responsibility. Love of God equates to a love of Husband or Wife. It takes 3 to be married. Women + Men + Our Lord. Devil hates humans because angels cannot procreate. What a gift Our Lord has given us.


I would’ve love for him to talk about what is allowed and what isn’t during sex in a catholic marriage. Is oral sex allowed for stimulation or not .


Celibate 7-years and I haven't even put my head through the wall.


Glory be to the Oh, Lord. Glory to thee!


The add I got for this video was for a polyamory website. Relationships continue to get distorted.


He should have just allowed the man to continue with his deep theology that was absolutely priceless and I enjoyed it more before the practical aspect.
I kinda lost the plot after the break


Matt, hi there. I have already read many critics to the Thelogy of the Body based on thomism. And they actually made a lot of sense here, so I wanted to know how you see these things.
Thomism says that we do not depend of other creature to be happy, because God is the ultimate happiness and he has provided everything for us to be holy. Furthermore, it doesn't say a word about the need to experience the "other" in order to be happy, at least not in these terms. How do you conceal that with the Theology of the Body?


Reverence is but a spiritually mature form of mutual fascination of the sexes.


If I could get married in the Church without being forced to lie and say I’d be open to having children, I’d do it in a heartbeat.


Love this! Framing could be a bit better. Damen Owens isn't aligned with a third, and so it's off. 😅. Don't mean to be picky, but it would help when it's a long interview


That language you are asking about is EXACTLY what Worldwide Marriage Encounter centers on!
