Amazon's 'AI'. The Truth.

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Recently, Amazon’s “Just Walk Out” technology has come under fire. It seems that Amazon’s AI is much more human than AI as they had over 1,000 workers in India manually verify the vast majority of “Just Walk Out” checkouts. This has really brought into question the viability of modern AI in general. Is it more hype than reality? Well, there are of course some use cases that have advanced extremely quickly like combing through trillions of possibilities and running infinite models and simulations. But, the more sci-fi AI applications such as self-driving technology and chatbots still have a long way to go when it comes to addressing edge cases and maximizing accuracy. This video explores the current situation of AI and attempts to answer how much of it is just hype.

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0:00 - Amazon Just Walk Out
2:04 - The Case Against AI
5:34 - The Case For AI
8:47 - The True Winners Of AI

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Amazon AI uses Indian workers? This is revolutionary. Maybe Tesla should use Indian workers for full self driving too.


So, I worked at Amazon JWO as a software engineer. I can tell you this: in my opinion, the reason that JWO failed is because of poor leadership and culture within JWO teams.

We very much had a top-down leadership culture that told us what to work on very granularly and there definitely wasn't much value placed on innovative ideas from the rank and file engineers. Basically we were treated as coders not as thinkers.

We also weren't given much room to work collaboratively on projects: instead of having 2 or three people work on a given project where we could bounce ideas off each other and learn from one another: each engineer was siloed to his/her own work.

Research also didn't collaborate much with engineering. At least not while I was there.

Ultimately I actually think the tech was solid. But the MBA bobbleheads that made all the decisions screwed the pooch.
If Amazon let the engineers do actual engineering: we would have been far more successful. But instead they stifiled innovation and eshewed new ideas and collaboration.


The money is in selling the shovels, not the gold. Perfect way to wrap it up.


just open GTP-4o's camera, point at a customer, and ask: what is that guy buying?


When Amazon released this I was certain this would be RFID based and not AI/ Machine vision based. Why not just tag every Item and scan as they leave or at least as they add to their cart. Overpromise/ Under Deliver is the norm in Silicon Valley and the media just repeats the lies.


Well they were not wrong we just misunderstood them, AI stands for All Indians


"I've invented an AI toilet cleaner!" - investors rush to door ... 😅


I think most people have a videogame approach to technology: "I do this and in X turns I get this"
The truth is that we dont know what we don't know. Not how technological development worls. We might get breakthroughs in one area and stall in another, but its basically impossible to predict.


The biggest potential application of Ai will be in the field of robotics, as computer vision and other such technologies continue to advance. It would also be interesting to see whether quantum computers with their endless scenarios and qubits could make Ai much better. It'd be cool to see a video on the robotics scene currently and what advancements are being made there, alongside quantum computers and their future. Great video, nothing to debate here. Ai is currently a big buzzword that everyone's trying to tack themselves onto. If you want a fun drinking game, listed to a major tech or chipmaking company's earnings call, and drink every time Ai is mentioned.


Money is not meant to control people rather it is meant to be put to work producing more money for you. You cannot build wealth without putting money in its rightful place.


the title is a bit misleading since this video is more about AI than Amazon, but it is one of the better videos on AI I've seen. great video as usual


The actual scientific progress and the truly cutting edge stuff all happens in universities. Companies then take these progresses and create the engineering solution.


Seems every time I open YouTube you have a new video out.
I appreciate your channel, you’re doing a great job.


Why not just NFC tags on all the items??


That’s why all deliveries are tracked to your door, ensuring awareness when there’s an expensive package that needs to be secured. However, the police have stated that they cannot determine how thieves are discovering when a package is being tracked.


2:30 It is scary that Rich people prefer to work with AI development instead of bringing help to poor or/and people. To flatten the disproportion Between rich and poor.


My opinion is that technology is more than capable of creating a no worker store but it would create social panic.


Deep Blue has been relying on algorithms, it’s not an AI model. Some AI models can fold proteins, can solve math problems, like faster way to calculate matrices. Neural networks are able to predict weather patterns much better and cheaper than most complex weather simulation systems. Neural networks are used in computer vision, medical applications, data analysis, classification, and many more real world applications. ChatGPT somewhat ruined the word AI, because not every neural network is used to spit out lengthy sentences, but it’s just the one which gets all of the headlines.


The guy who lost 196 billion dollars is layoff-ing workers while he remains on the job? Wtf is that?


Wasn't that what happened during the gold rush?? I.e. the ones making real money where those selling tools for miners ... even jeans I think 🤔 but I have to double check this part
