Does Amazon KDP Still Work in 2025? (The Harsh Truth)

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Instagram - @seandollwet13

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About this channel: I share what I learned from years of online marketing/business failures and successes so that you don’t make the same mistakes I’ve made, being $40,000 in debt and getting scammed for tens of thousands of dollars. And show you how I overcame that by building a six-figure passive income business and become a self-made millionaire at age 26.

** Most outbound links financially benefit me and the channel through affiliate programs. The affiliate relationship in no way influences my opinion and I would not endorse programs, products or services I didn't use or feel familiar with.

This helps support the channel and allows me to continue to make videos like this. So if use my links to support me, a huge thanks to you.

The information shared in this channel is for educational and informational purposes only. There is no guarantee that you will earn money using the techniques and ideas in this video. This is not financial advice or investment advice. Your investments are solely your responsibility and it is imperative that you conduct your own research. I am merely sharing my opinion with no guarantee of gains or losses on investments. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in this video will require commitment, hard-work, experience and knowledge. We have taken reasonable steps to ensure that the information in this video is accurate but we cannot represent that the website(s) mentioned in this video are free from errors. You expressly agree not to rely upon any information contained in this video.

#KDP #selfpublishing #kindlepublishing
Рекомендации по теме

It's working! I changed my book cover after watching one of your videos and sales are booming! It's all about the right combination: the right book for the right audience, an eye-catching cover, and the right way to promote it. It's really not rocket science.


I can't get enough of your videos. I have listened to you for a while. I'm in this for the long term. At 72 I keep waking up every morning looking forward "how can I make progress today"!


You are far from being a fake or a guru!!! Love what you do so thank you Sean


I can’t believe you have haters. You’re helping a lot of people to follow their dreams. I am so thankful for your videos!


My thoughts had been telling me this route is oversaturated but this video just helped me quiet the noise. Thank you. I’ve done 1 book. From watching your videos, I created it in one week and i invested in a cover and now I’m working on 3 more books. I am ensuring the covers are high quality so I have sacrificed some things so i can pay a designer. Will come back in 12 months.


I have been watching your videos for a while now and I know your desire is to help us succeed in KDP. This video is encouraging. Mahalo for sharing.


There are so many students that you’ve helped that haven’t actually signed up for the course! I’ve published 2 books (high & medium content) in the first 10 days of the year because of you. I can’t wait to tap into the course soon, thank you for what you do


No need to explain to non-believers. You are a great instructor, thank you for your wisdom


@SeanDollwet, thank you for your formative videos. I am 46...started with your step by step video to create my 1st coloring book. ACTION!


This is so motivating to hear! I am a beginner literally sitting in my car watching one of your videos two months ago to holding my third journal in my hand I created from your videos! No sales yet and I definitely need to make some revisions but so proud of myself and these videos really do work!!! Thank you 🙏🏾


Sean, I salute you. You are not rambling. End of the day, you are offering people genuine value in exchange for a little financial gain. Anyone who fails to see this very simple proposition are not fit to start any sort of business.


I really like, straightforward forward and no-nonsense!!!


Thank you for all your great videos! I have been studying your videos for 4 months now, and my first cororing book is almost ready. I'm trying to get it right the first time.


I love your Video's. they have helped me a lot. When I am stuck I can pause the video, till I get it right. I am an OAP. Keep them coming. Thanks Sean, Great work.


You're a blessing for people like us Sean who are taking action and join whenever you invited us for 7 day book challenge and the free traing that recently.please keep giving us the content.I will be there in royalty program very soon.Good bless you I'm on the right path with kdp because of you🙏


I've been watching your videos and is subscribed. I think you give great knowledge. Just like anything it takes work and consistency. I see your frustration but most of us appreciate what you are doing. Thank you!


i made 30 bucks last year and it is not about that money. i learned so much from that that i know it is the right path and new opportunities open through that. Also made 5 Bucks with Music. Its not much but its something


I've made 1 sale, $1, 95 profit and spent $60 in ads :D


Thank you for all the great info and helping us stay motivated, Sean!

I'm busy marketing my first book, and when I have more income, I will definitely join your program. 😊


Great content Sean thank you. Im now on day for and working on my first even with these sudden power cuts and crazy life happenings. Im committed to taking it step by step and get to completion stage. you explain everything cleary even for a beginner like me.God bless
