Hidden Nightkin With Psychic Powers In Fallout New Vegas

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Nightkin With Psychic Powers Found In Fallout New Vegas
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I love that there are still new things we are learning about this game.


I love how they foreshadow Arcade’s big secret.


Typically, I finish the Crazy, Crazy, Crazy quest late into the game, so the nightkin in this cave are usually long dead by the time I do it. For that reason, I've never actually seen them passive in any of my games.


The "head voices" are likely a passive psychic mutation the nightkin share. While the Master was an unparalleled psyker, it's much easier to send a message into an already connected web, than a few thousand individual mutants. The normal super mutants probably have something similar, though they aren't as intelligent or verbose, so there's less proof. Pretty sure the only ones that talk in the post-Bethesda games are nightkin (with a few exceptions) whereas in 1, 2 and tactics, all mutants could talk a little, at least.


The Knightkin are actually pretty cool, I wish Bethesda or Obsidian would do more with them in a Future fallout game


4:11 Here the Nightkin directly compares the Enclave and NCR as almost equals... how interesting


I like the comments on John Cassidy implying the “voices” are the same as the “spirits” in that game meaning they’re real and actually know the things they say and the only barrier is the individual’s ability to comprehend what these entities are saying. Maybe it’s an elder scrolls moment and they’re hearing echoes of players or developers talking about the actual game state not just in universe wastelander banter or an animal instinct type vocality as they seem to suggest which would explain the confusion by the Nightkin.

I also like the distinction of “metal men” for power armor factions from the West Coast mutants and “bucket heads” from East Coast Mutants because East Coast mutants are more familiar with the T-45/T-60 platform which has a helmet that looks most like a bucket because that’s that’s what the East Coast BoS have used most while the West Coast BoS and Enclave just look shiny and sleek and the Mutants actually faced them so surviving Nightkin would have an axe to grind


Most people: makes a 15 page essay on what their favorite companion is and why they're the best

Me: 1:54


I spent too long listing the nicknames in this video, and their connections

“Shiny Screens” - Securitrons
“Silver Chair” / “Chair” - Benny
“Chip” - The Courier
“Broken Man” / “Broken One” - Mr. House

Companion ones are obvious, but I’ll list them here too.
“Smelly Ghoul” - Raul
“Smart Man” - Arcade
“Quiet Man” - Boone
“Flower Girl” - Cass
“Funny Robot” - ED-E
“Doggy with squishy brain” - Rex
“Someone like us” - Lily
“Book Girl” - Veronica

BoS - “Metal Men”
NCR with power armor - “New Metal Men”
The Enclave - “Metal Men”
The Great Khans - “Horns”
The NCR - “Bear” / “Bears”
The Legion - “Bull” / “Bulls” / “Mars”
The Kings - “Crowned Heads”

The Monorail - “Snake”

President Kimball - “Bear Heads”
Caesar - “Bull” / “Mars”


What's funny about the Meyers line after 3:15 is that in my early game a super mutant master followed me all the way to Primm and murdered Meyers. His body is sitting outside near the bridge close to the NCR troopers rotting in the sun


It’s actually insane I’m finding out about such a cool detail about this game after so long, definitely my top 3 game


1:54 my whole motivation for having ED-E as a companion throughout the game


You can tell the VA had fun with these lines.


Head Voices say Ceasar dosent know a damn thing about Hegelian dialectics. gah THE HELL IS DIALECTICS DAMN YOU HEAD VOICES


The devs really put in details that players that almost will surely miss. I installed the mod More Mojave in my game, and it adds extra locations in the map. One of those places is a train tunnel full of super mutants, and at the bottom was the same kind of Nightkin that comments on Mojave events! The mutants in Black Rock Cave was long killed by me by the time I saw this video, but when I heard the Nightkin in the new location commenting on Cass's father, I decided to spare them.


This Nightkin really knows their stuff.
"Snake destroyed, Rats scurry while they can." = Snake=Source of subjective evil + Rats scurrying=Unestablished gamblers hiding in NCR can't make it to The Strip.
And "Head voices see clouds in the sky, Where is sun?" =Head voices see different factions in the Mojave, Where is established certainty?"


So... "Head voices" met John Cassidy, Cass' father, that means it could possibly be Hakunin or Melchior or both. Or, way less interesting, some other psychic he met when travelled to Texas or before he met the Chosen One... Or all of them. I like to imagine multiple voices starting recognizing Cass and the other voices pilled in. "Yo, I met her father." "Real piece of shit with ghouls and tribals." "Yeah, but good with guns, though." "Terrible bartender. 1.5/5."


There's still things to find out about New Vegas even after all this time. This is wild. I'm beginning to think that the people at Obsidian at the time loved the game they were making, because they filled it with such details.
(Oh, and of course, "Two Bears High-Fiving".)


Forever glad that creators like you still make FNV content. Its both nostalgic, and a fresh of breath air!


This one nightkin has more lines than Fallout 4.
