Chopin Nocturne Op. 9 No. 3 in B Major (Arthur Rubinstein)

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Nocturne in B major, Op. 9, No. 3. Played by Arthur Rubinstein.

For the more famous no. 2, please see rmannion's video. I am not going to upload what he has already done.

If you want the sheet music, here:

Rubinstein's recording ©1999 RCA Red Seal, now Sony Entertainment.
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I don't know what emotion I'm feeling, but I'm definetely feeling it.


People may say that this is boring but it is actually a music for yourself when there is no one else but yourself, in a moment of silence and tranquility


Nocturne Op. 9 No. 1 and 2 are great, but I never gave number 3 a listen because I was already satisfied listening to the other two pieces. Big mistake! I end up falling in love with this piece more than the other two. Chopin, you are one great man..


youtube needs a "love button"


If the whole Chopin Op 9 were played in my funeral, I think I would resurrect from my coffin :D


I live in Spain, I promised that I would visit Warsaw someday. Not only visited it, I met my girlfriend, who lives there.
Walking around an autumn park I discovered a bench which played this piece. Watching at brown autumn leaves with my girlfriend next to me and listening to this at Chopin's placebirth was some of the best moments of my life. Could not resist to go into tears. Thank you Chopin for this moments.
Nowadays, after finishing op 27 no 1, I'm learning this piece.


The best ending of all time. Seriously, Chopin is such a genius!!!


This is why I put up the score to songs for which this has not already been done. I think its much more interesting than pictures of pianos or the composers or whatever else people put up.


I cannot believe that I have never heard of this gorgeous piece. Its such an elegant and perfect piece... I wonder how is this so much less famous than the other 2 nocturnes in the same opus...


this piece breaks my heart every time.. Yet how can you not fall in love with it every time.. Chopin is just cruel in the way he makes you feel.. I have no words.


Nocturnes, mazurcas, etudes, waltz, everything in Chopin is beautiful


From 1:35 to 1:55 and then 2:35 to 2:55, maybe the most beautiful music I've ever heard in my life


this piece is just like our life, with first smooth and fresh start like an infant, then starting to grow in the next level stage of life which the song began to be real hard and just like in the middle of our life we start to think that there are so many stressed and everything so hard. that's where the piano part starting to break the chord but then it got back again with the beautiful ending smoothly and clean. with the magnificent arrangement. when we're getting old we will understand as well, everything that happen will become the things that we've seen before. and we are old enough to understand life and be wise about it. this piece have a perfect and complete aesthetic of life. the perfect ending that show when our time have finish in this world. we surely will realize that we have a wonderful and great life that we've through with remarkable ending. we will realize that this life is a gift. and it's worth to fight for. by the way that's just my opinion i know it's messed up but i hope whoever read this, can understand eventually. and sorry for my english. i'm from indonesia.


The right hand has mind of it's own in this piece. I started practicing this today after getting bored playing the two other Op 9 Nocturnes and I gotta say that for this particular piece hand independence practice is a must. It does not mean that you can't play this without a master's hand independence (I certainly don't have one) but it does mean, at least for me, that both hands have to be practiced separately to a t. That's obviously what you might do anyway when practicing any piece, but a fluid and free feeling is what makes this nocturne (and the other two also, actually) such a wonderfully playful and beautiful piece of music.


How many polyrhthms will you write?
Chopin: Yes.


Out of the three nocturnes in op 9, i found this one the best. And those fast bits are really hard.


I love the auditory illusion created in the first two measures. Two notes are each previewed in sixteenth notes as a chromatic neighboring tone to the previous note before being played again on-beat so as to sound like it has descended in pitch, despite being the same note! It would not surprise me if this was the exact effect Chopin was intending when writting this.


One of the most difficult of all the nocturnes (if not the most difficult), but this performance is so effortless and beautiful


How can anyone dislike this? To hit the dislike button on this is absolute insanity.


Why does it make the heart ache? 😭❤️ Opus 9 is such a beautiful set of Nocturnes.
