Goodbye Odessa - Yiddish Song

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Vocal: Olga Avigail Mieleszczuk, violin: Daniel Hoffman, clarinet: Ittai Binnun, accordion: Ofer Malchin, contrabass: Yehonatan Levi
record and sound: Ittai Binnun / Lars Sergel, mastering: Marek Walaszek

Oh Odessa, goodbye Odessa,
I will miss you so much,
I will never forget you,
Farewell my friends,
Let's shout together:
Odessa Mama, I love you so much!

This Yiddish-Ukrainian song "Proshchai Odessa" was sung by Pesakh Burstein. I've combined it with a Ukrayinish Kek-Vok (Ukrainian Cakewalk) collected by Yale Strom.
Рекомендации по теме

My life began in Odessa, but I did not see her, my mother Nadia was prégnant of me, we were in a camp of refugees in 1945 and she left Odessa with my father Joseph just before my birth, so that my little ears have heard the street music of Odessa. So I never have seen Odessa but I heard her! I was born in West Europe, became doctor, and with my father, we played music at home.
. My son is a musician too.
I love the movie "Cuirassé Potemkine" of Sergueï Eisenstein.
I am now a grandma musician and I play Klezmer and Russian music. 🎶🎶🎶💝


I hope to one day visit Odessa, the home of my mothers and fathers. They left after the pogrom of 1871, and eventually made their way to the mountains of eastern Norway. We've lived in Norway ever since, but stories of Odessa are still told in my family, over a hundred years later.


Yidish songs have the unique combination of sadness and joy for life at the same time


I met a friend 50 years ago who walked from Poland at the end of 1939 to Odessa, his parents murdered by the nazis.At 16 years old he arrived in Egypt and joined the British army saying he was 18!
He fought the germans and obtained the british nationality. Rest in pace Alex!


My grandmother left Bialystock in 1908 for NYC.I am here now typing this because of her courage.Love you forever Ida Shatz.


My grandfather founded the first Odessa's yiddish daily newspaper back in the 1890's


I'm from Odessa, Shalom Aleichem, Moldovanka. And my grandparents spoke Yiddish to me, even thou I don't know Yiddish, this song makes me cry. I miss Odessa


I am originally from Odessa , former Soviet Union . I remember my bubale singing this when I was a child . She always talked to me in Yiddish . I still can speak Yiddish . Thanks from the bottom of my heart for posting this video . SPASIBO VAM.


I'm Armenian but nothing can make you cry like Yiddish music - bravo.


Отец моего деда родом из Одессы, он тоже был еврейского происхождения. Он покинул Украину в 1917-1918 годах и изменил свое имя, когда переехал в другую страну (сначала в Польшу, а затем во Францию). Я не знаю, как восстановить настоящую фамилию...
я надеюсь, что когда-нибудь смогу побывать на месте и найти ответы...
Из Франции я ничего не могу найти.

Всем пока 👋

(Извините за ошибки, я плохо говорю по-русски...)


So many of us, me included, have our heritage in the Pogrom era: For me, my great-grandfather arrived in the 1870's, alone at six, with nothing. He worked all his life as a fruit-seller, and bought but one big beauty: A piano my grandmother still has to this day.


Я киянка..мені 79 років я українка. Але коли я слухаю єврейські пісні....не знаючи ні ідиш...ні іврит...Як же мені робиться на душі просто Прекрасно!!!Якось затишно...миролюбно.Я дуже хочу щоб настав Мир і спокій в наших Державах.СЛАВА. ЗСУ!!! СЛАВА ППО!!!! Як бачите я вже старенька.ЩИРО дякую за сьогоднішній спокій.Хай щастить мої дорогі захисники


I'm a Sikh from India and dont have a single clue what language or culture its related to but the rhythms got me hooked. Well thats the beauty of music, thnks for showing this side of utube


I'm not Jewish but I was married to a Jewish man for 25 years. His family in Russia was able to send 2 of the boys, ages 12 and 19, to America and they immediately went to work in the garment industry in NY City. I am still fascinated by the Yiddish culture and language which one naturally is exposed to by being a sort of Honorary Member of the Fold!😊🤭🧕 🤵‍♀


Odesa has a beautiful opera house. I hope it remains standing.


I have no Jewish ancestry, nor do I understand Yiddish, and I love this💖


I am from Odesa. This song catches the spirit of the city so charmingly. I love it. Thank you :)


My grandfather grew up in a village off in Eastern Europe. They weren’t Yiddish, but all of their folk music was from the Yiddish people. This is how important and influential Yiddish music was in that part of the world.


Шалом с Израиля
! Отец моей бабушки Пейсах Рабкин был раввином в Белорусь.А мой дедушка с Донецка, Украина знал иврит, идыш и писал в газете статьи на этих языках.


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Как прекрасны все люди, когда такие счастливые!
