10+ New Details in Mario Party Jamboree

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Jamboree Time!

#NintendoSwitch #MarioParty #SuperMario
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Getting options is good start. Hope we might at some point be able to fully customize the rules how we want them.


Really wish you could toggle each pro rule individually. Dueling for stars and stock limits in the shops sound great, but I like the home stretch events and having a variety of bonus stars, and will probably want more than 12 turns most of the time.


Nintendo casually drops an incredible idea for a new mode but only gives it 12 turns. Why are you like this?


Honestly, the more footage I see, the more appealing this game looks. Sure to be a grand slam.


Pro Rules is a great idea, but some of the individual settings are super weird. 12 Turns Only? A Forced Random Bonus Star?


Kinda weird that only 10 characters are Jamboree Buddies and only one of them is on Bowser’s side


Great information. My only question is, did they bring back a way to make all-CPU matches like in the GameCube days, where you could switch P1 to CPU as soon as the game starts? I know it's silly, but sometimes I just like to watch all the crazy fun without the stress of being screwed by random chance, ha-ha!


Republican Party ❌
Democratic Party ❌
Mario Party ✅


I'm so glad star duels are confirmed! For pro rules at least. But I am pretty sure its been discovered that there's a green version of the duel glove, which possibly could be a way to do star duels with regular rules!


Why is dueling for stars restricted for pro rules where in some previous games you can duel for stars in any ruleset?


You got to play the game early? You lucky son of a gun! I guess I’ll give my thoughts on each section.

Pro rules I think is an interesting idea. Sounds more skill based than luck; limited turns to 12 (a weird number but okay) and you are told ahead of time which star is the bonus star, so you can strategize as you play. NO CHANCE TIME means no luck shenanigans and Bowser ALWAYS steals a star. Plus more. Idk if the pro rules would be for me, but I’d be willing to try it out at least once. Also, is dueling for stars only in the pro rules? Would be weird if it isn’t in regular gameplay…

Voting for mini games, pretty based decision, but I wasn’t expecting it to be like how selecting a course in Mario Kart online went. Was hoping that the minigame chosen would have just been a majority vote.

I don’t know if this is confirmed or not, but to me it looks like the single player mode is like a prologue to the main game. It looks like the NPCs are still setting the boards up.

Only ten allies? Just the N64 cast plus Rosalina and Junior? I’m okay with that I guess, though I am genuinely shocked that Bowser himself isn’t a potential ally. With the imposter Bowser running the Bowser spaces now, that frees up the real Bowser and he could have been an ally. Unless the game has some smart coding and the Bowser running the Bowser spaces is only the imposter when you are playing as Bowser.

From what I remember, players having more or less options from a lucky space depending on their placement is new.

Wait, so not only are allies with you for a limited time, but if no one gets the ally in three turns they just up and leave? That… makes allies a lot more balanced than I thought they’d be. It seems that which allies spawn is random (or maybe board dependent?). I wish there was a way to choose which allies show up, but if it must be random, then I guess that’s okay.

The game and its presentation look fantastic! I can’t wait to play it!


Why cant you choose the rules for pro mode :( the idea is sooo good but its only half baked. Why is Nintendo refusing to give us a few options. And why can you do it Smash and Mario Kart but not in Party


I hope the Jamboree Buddy’s will be disabled when playing Pro Rules.


8:25 I was about to comment how it was infuriating that Craig chose to steal the star from Waluigi, given that Fraser had more coins, but then I realised that PJ had a Star Pipe. Can’t wait for the game to release!!


Man i can't wait for the 17th only 16 days remain we got this mario party fans😄👍


I get they want to minimize RNG as possible (which is odd for Mario Party) but I feel they could've allowed more options in the Lucky and Unlucky spaces and also maybe vary Bowser to maybe add some lose coins chance too


The little one is excitedly for the game & can't wait to buy it.


5:12 Wait. So if Rosalinas ally minigame is motion based does it mean she cant appear as ally during online play or when moton minigames are turned off?


Pro Rules sounds like a great feature! Game is looking pretty good.


12 turns for Pro Mode is incredibly dumb. Generally when playing with more experienced players, you play longer games. What were they thinking? I really hope something will click when I play it but that seems an enornous misstep.
