15 MISTAKES in Super Mario Bros Movie VS Super Mario Games 🎬

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The Super Mario Bros movie skips the entire character's history to create its own universe, with a bunch of mistakes that make nothing match up with the video games. In this video, we gather 15 errors and flaws from the Super Mario Bros movie that don't respect the lore of its video games.

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to be fair, the blue shell in the game probably doesn't actually have a koopa troopa inside it, and the one in the movie does, so it would make sense that the koopa is allowed to break the rule and go after whoever he pleases


Who else thought King Boo looked low-budget in the movie?


Fun fact: Mario hating mushrooms was Miyamoto's idea.


1:55 wait till they find out about mario kart 🥶



I'm sorry but that is not Pauline, that's Lady. They are separate characters.


6:09 well to be fair the star in the movie is much bigger then a nominal star


4:38 it's the nerdy Toad from captain Toad's brigade


The reason the mushrooms don’t have faces they probably didn’t want casual fans to question their sentience because then people might ask dark questions


*shows king boo in background*:
Bones: *SLOWLY* DrAaAaMmMmAaAaAaAaAaAa


9:08 not a mistake, they are just not drawn through, and cats can hide and let out the claws.
It's cruel to remove someone's claws.
The only mistake is that suit has 4 fingers instead of 5, cats have 5 fingers on the front paws just as humans.


2:15 king oo and bowser must be best friends so he need way to see him so he found way to travel in day light


5:23 want the star thing to be a phone or iPad


None of these were mistakes they were intentional changes


4:39 This is Toadbert. Toadbert needed more love.


If we think about it, even the games don't follow the same rules from each other, for example in Mario Galaxy the fire flower lasts for a few seconds while in other games it lasts until you get hit


Movie based off a video game is different from the video games it’s just like a book is different from a movie from the book so their is really no mistake and everything can’t be the same and that the truth


The first time we saw fire peach was probably super Mario brothers super show


The biggest mistake they made in this movie by far is not giving my boy Funky Kong the leading role 😡😡😡


7:06 The mushrooms literally still have eyes in end credits


If you're going to do the smarmy voice pedant character, then I'm going to point out flaws.

1. Cranky Kong is actually describes both as DK's father and grandfather in various games. The usual fanwank is that he adopted him after what ever happened to DK Jr.

2. Legit change I also noticed. Though also note he's a lot smaller and weaker as well.

3. You pointed out your own flaw in that he can sometimes handle sunlight (likely with some special macguffin). But also note that he is INSIDE. Maybe he came during the night time and woke up early.

4. It's also not a blue shell item, but a guy who *left his cart.*

5. No contradiction here. Mario did meet as babies, but it's also established they don't remember their time as babies, and moved to our world at some point, since Mario chases down Donkey Kong Sr. in New York city and winds up in the Mushroom Kingdom only after Bowser takes over.

6. Toadsworth seems to go away a lot in the games. He'll be present in one and not in another. Maybe he goes on vacation.

7. There's no reason they can't change out the decoration on top, or add in the map.

8. It's explicitly not a common star, though. Maybe what makes this one special is that its invincibility lasts as long as you need it to. Why else would Bowser want it? It seems more like the star rod.

9. People can change clothes.

10. The Mushrooms in fact didn't have eyes in the first Super Mario game.

11. Normally I'd let this pass. But you say "at no time in the history of Super Mario." So I have to point out that the Super Leaf also gives Mario infinite flight in the Super Mario 3 cartoon. Flight limitations seem to be gameplay only, and not diegetic to the Mario universe.

12. Pauline canonically lives in New York before she becomes Mayor of New Donk City--back when Donkey Kong first kidnaps her. No reason she couldn't be mayor there first, then move on to New Donk City.

13. Cats have retractile claws. And they can't clime without them, so they must have them in the games. The games just don't tend to animate physical damage.

14. People can change their hairstyles.

15. Again, Mario winds up living in Brooklyn for a while before the first game. And the sequel to Yoshi's Island proves those aren't actually their parents. Canonically, they spend a lot of time as babies in the Mario World before they arrive later. They even do some time travel to current day.

Oh, and to top it off: You missed that Peach doesn't get kidnapped on Mario's first foray into the world. And Luigi does. Kinda changes the whole thing.

I would say that Cranky Kong isn't Mario's pet monkey, but maybe he is, and he found his way through and became leader of a tribpe of Monkeys.

And, of course, I know you know these are different universes, nd that Mario has had several different ones. I wsa just challenging myself to be the Bigger Pedant.
