Best FPV Drone for Beginners?

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If you are getting into FPV and not sure which quad to start with, this video will give you guidance. There are many excellent, ready-to-fly FPV quadcopters on the market, but some are better suited for beginners for a variety of reasons that we'll cover in this video. This video is intended to help beginners who have not already invested in FPV equipment. The links below will take you to my recommendations. Please note that these affiliate links pay Ready Set Drone a small commission but do not increase the cost of the items at all.

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Kelly Shores is a FAA Part 107 certified drone pilot. He enjoys flying toy drones, camera drones, RC airplanes, and FPV quads. When he's not flying drones, Kelly enjoys photography, biking, travel and hanging out with his family!
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I've learned more about FPV in this one video than any other. I'm 72, was a very high sailplane before I had a family. Now I considering getting into this. You've given me so much information. Answered questions I didn't know how to ask. I knew nothing about the dji controller. I have a lot of researching to do !!! I was just about to buy an ExpressLRS radio and go that route. Thanks to you I will hold off on that decision and look into the "DJI family". Wow.


Love the video. Its nice for you to show all the options available. Personally i went big with first drone. iflight nazgul5 v2 6s. But i also spent about 40 hours on a sim to get the hang of it. Goodluck to everyone on their fpv adventure. Fly safe my


Great recommendations for sure. I'm still new to fpv (at 60 yrs old ) and started with the DJI FPV drone, which I love but don't want to crash it, hence why it's never been flown in acro mode. So then I picked up the Emax easy pilot pro kit, and recently added the Tiny Hawk 2 Freestyle along with the Fat Shark Scout goggles to really get me started. Next step up will be the DJI googles and remote with the GepRc Rocket to build on what I have started. I have been practicing in the sim, but have to say, acro mode is still not totally coming together for me yet, but I know it takes time and practice. I'm hoping to get there by mid to late summer.( Practice x 3) But I do love the change of pace from flying my camera drones. Thanks for the tips ! Cheers from Utah. ;-)


This is a good video, however for people that know nothing about drones or anything R/C related, I feel most other kinds of these videos can sometimes cause more confusion on making a decision on a first purchase, IF not explained in great detail like you did here, it presents them with too many options. IMO the best thing to do for a first time purchase (this is what I always used to say for first time buyers) is get what you can afford after doing alot of research and find the one that fits most of what you want in an R/C anything. With that being said this video is a great guide to use for which drones to look at. It is very informative on each model. Excellent job!!

Take care!!


Been flying FPV for over a year and I agree with everything you've said.


Out of all my FPV quads the DJI FPV drone is my favorite. I do not fly it in acro mode sport mode is as much as I need out of it. It just looks like a beast and fly's very smooth. No it's not as robust as my DYI fpv quads but it's a breeze to get flying and that's why I like it so much. Looking forward to the mini FPV drone DJI is releasing soon.


I have to agree with ya on the GEPRC Rocket! I've been flying for 3 years, before digital it was the GEPRC cinepro 4k in analog with Tarsier camera. Now the Rocket is my universal digital go to for indoor and outdoor tight gap flying! The prop guards are only $10 a set on RDQ always in stock too. Great review love your show, long time fan!


Wow! Just saw the price !!! I guess that's why there's not a lot of talk about the DJI unit. Thanks for the information anyway !!!! Pretty impressive.


Thank you for such a straight forward and simplified explanation to the different FPV options mate. Really helpful for me. Appreciate it again buddy 👍🏻


Really informative, well-thought out video, Kelly. I loved the category you mentioned "get into FPV but don't intend to go very far with it". Yep, _that's_ me. I've had several versions of the Tinyhawk overthe last few years and I have found it to be very satisfying. A friend of mine here in Houston has let me fly his DJI FPV drone several times and I REALLY love it! He never uses it, and has offered to sell the whole bundle
to me for $1k. I'm probably going to take him up on it. I like to do more cinematic style photography/videography and that was the one thing I picked up on is how good it would be to have the DJI FPV drone
doing some of the shots I have lined up in my head. But I really like the detail you go into, as well as your opinion, on the other FPV platforms. While I have considered just about all the ones you've mentioned,
I just don't know if I'm ready to go down that rabbit hole with my wallet on fire as I fall in!


Of course I am new to Fpv and learning more everyday, great video, well done!


You are the controller Kelly! Beastmode! Always knowledgeable and on point.


Really great video about getting into FPV. I can't wait to warm up the props after a little vacation.


Dr. Pepper at the ready. My dude. 👍 Great breakdown on this. I just love that the rocket is still rocking 🤘


I went with digital like you recommended, didn’t need to be a tech expert, like you almost have to be with analog.


I just wish more options where out when i started! Great post!!


Great explanation on fpv Kelly . Very informative for the beginners. 👊🏻👊🏻


Hey I see the concrete corn field in Dublin Ohio!


Great video Kelly. Very informative. I have bought the V2 Goggles and remote to use with digital quads. I have two quads so far, the BangGod 3" and the Flywoo Cinelog 20. I am interested in that Geprc Rocket. I like that and the benefits you pointed out. I am holding out on a 5" until I get better.


Thx, Kelly for the review; i do fly my dji fpv, but so far only in normal and sports mode. Still considering getting the geprc rocket with dji air unit
