Building A Boosted MX-5 Miata Racecar in 15 Minutes

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Last year marked an awesome milestone for my turbo NB MX-5. After owning the car for about 8 years now, it finally achieved boss tier status with a reliable 300hp turbo track setup that set some solid lap times.
I wanted to put together a full time lapse of all the interesting videos I've managed to muster up over time, into a neat little package. So here it is, the culmination of a completed turbo build.
Please enjoy!
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Full specs/parts of the car are listed here:

►My 2nd Channel:



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Thanks to everyone for the friendly comments, really appreciate it!


I don't know why this was recommended to me, but i am happy it was.


That bad boy corners like a beast! Thanks for giving us guys the hope of having a race car one day.


Very cool! 99.99% of people watching this video will never have the skills, time, or money to do a build like this. Very cool to see the countless hours of the process in a single 15min time lapse. Thanks for sharing with us all. Amazing car to say the very least!!!


I thought I had a lot of money and time in my miata. Congratulations. You took a car destined for the scrap yard and turned it into an absolute work of art. I'm sure it's a blast driving around Porsches and the like at the track. Awesome car!


I purchased an NB2 a month ago to learn how to do basic maintenance on the vehicle and it made me realize the amount of time, money, and tools I need to do simple maintenance work is negligible compared to your build. Only time and experiences will further help me develop my automotive skills and your 7 years build definitely gave me a better time perspective on the goals for my NB2 build. Thank you and what an amazing build you've done.


Makes me happy to see a "tyred" car (see what I did there) get a second chance by being modified for whatever type of motorsport that is targeted...
Fantastic montage-(looked it up) and congrats on a great car...Well Done.


This is literally my dream result of a future Miata project car I’ll would like to have in the future, really great job, I subscribed


This was recommended to me by Youtube. Its like they knew I needed some inspiration for my car. Thank you. What a rad MX5 too. Top work


I really enjoy driving your car on Assetto Corsa.


currently in the process of trying to build my first race car, but with a very very light budget, and I love watching this kind of content! Seeing everything get done mostly alone is super cool, and this gives me ideas of more things I can try to do with mine. It also supports some of the things that I've been doing, or thinking about doing with my car, so that's awesome to see that I'm heading the correct direction. Fire video! Sick car too, looks badass, and runs badass. Fire all around


11:25 Finally a turbo build on Youtube that has a good torque courve.
Usually people only flex with their peak hp and ignore the fact that their tubo kicks in at 5k rpm and the hp increases only minimally from there and stagnates again at 6k rpm.


You deserve way more attention! I'm following you for a long time now and visit from time to time. Keep up the great videos. There is so much that we can learn from you especially because you do it all at home in your garage so everyone can do it.
You earn all the track records man!
BTW the ozzy accent is perfect for a car related channel. MCM made us all love it and your accent is the icing on the cake for your channel.

Viele Grüße aus Deutschland from a fellow NA driver


Miata is my dream car and I saw this one at Philip island a while ago and was so happy to see it, but I never thought I'd watch a video about it on YouTube


very impressed you managed to do all that in 15 minutes!! seriously though excellent job well done.


Nothing's better than building your own race car and driving it to its full potential.


I love how you painted every part to look clean and formal. That is quality!


thats definitely a very cool tracktool. my most favorite budget car is the NB miata since YEARS and what you did there, especially the deepness, is stunning and exactly what i can only dream of. the coupe backdoor and the front tire fenders are 100% the way as i would do it. very very impressive, keep your work!


Dude you made such a cool car that someone made an Assetto Corsa mod of it, down to the color and everything

Edit : if the in game version drives anything like it does in real life it's tuned really nicely 👍


Mate, epic video. Was great chatting with you at Dec AROCA day, been using your tips on the racing lines ever since in my little whitegood Toyota, 11.5sec behind you 😀
