Feel Like It's TOO LATE to Ever Heal Your CPTSD?

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Everyone wishes they had healed their trauma sooner, and some feel that now, they can NEVER heal. In this video I talk about why NOW is a better time to heal than any other time in your life, and I connect you with tools to get started.
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60 was a turning point.. some shifts had to happen and they did. I’m living my dream at nearly 63. I just traveled the second time in six months and saw so much beauty and so many wonderful things. Never give up!!!


Healing when you're older is great. There's a wealth of experience you can bring to bear that means that the healing is swift. Don't despair, your higher/deeper self has been learning all this time :)


70 was my turning point. I’m now 75 and still have a long way to go. After two narcissistic marriages and still dealing with toxic family members, I am finally learning that my CPTSD is a result of my crappy childhood and is not my fault! I am building a new home in a planned retirement community, and so excited about living my life as my authentic Self. Life is good!


You are so correct when you said that “it probably wasn’t known when you were young”. CPTSD was not only not understood as a mechanism, it literally wasn’t even a thing. We were just “lazy” or “stupid” or “unfocused”. Worse, we were seen as “resistant to the therapeutic process” even though we were desperate to have therapy work.


I have been searching and working on my issues since I was 10, I am 62 and still working. Every moment of working toward a better psyche and a better, happier life, has been worth it and I won't stop til I stop breathing!!!! I hope it helps others to just go ahead and start. One day healed or without trauma getting in the way is worth a lifetime of work. At 59 met the person I had dreamed of my whole life, had 2 poor marriages and a lot due to the issues. Please please go ahead and start. As far as cptsd, listen to this woman!!!! She articulates so much of what I learned trying on my own and ways to heal I hadn't thought of yet. Bless you 🧚‍♀️


Thank you. Your daily practice REALLY has changed my life. I have been doing it daily for months. At first, I would cry everyday...it was sooo hard. Memories came flooding back. Now, I am so much calmer and have processed SOO much trauma. I will forever be grateful for your videos.. I finally feel free at 58 years. Oooof!


A note of encouragement from my lens of retrospection. I had to put *therapy* to rest as I refused to take the pills they blindly prescribed, and I had no results from talk therapy from onset at12yoa to the present day because I felt I had to secure my new baby and myself, my employment, securing my future retirement, and volunteer work also helped to distance myself from the unmanageable pain. I'm 69 now, and a lot has happened up to this point. I thank god I found Anna's videos. I have to view them at least twice with notes to grasp the messages, and the daily practice is something I do every day, sometimes 2-3 times a day. I've found the practice to be a complete lifesaver! Thank you, Anna! So, while you can, while you're able, please consider Anna's courses and the daily practice. You will thank yourself with all humbleness and with tangible memories of all the things that went RIGHT. I guarantee it.


First 25 years were hell
25 - 40 a constant struggle advance and relapse
40 - 60 at peace with humans at last


As we all know it is extremely hard to do things out of the norm.
I decided in July that I would try to make a change and start healing. Previously I read alot of books and YouTubed just about everything on the subject.

So when I started to take action I signed up to a gym and got off the drastically changed in my mind when I got much that I noticed that I wasn't having those bad negative self talks anymore and that it opened up my thoughts to much more happier

Only problem is now I'm active with the gym and to do lists ect that I'm not on the path of healing and learning about the just not enough time.
I guess I'm in the process of learning to take care of my self slowly and im realizing that everything cant be done at once and everything will fall into place eventually.


I hope you know, suspect you must, what a gift you bring to those who were lost in the world of Cptsd. No more, meds, or useless therapy just a freedom to take the journey within. I lived most of my life being afraid of myself and the damage I could inflict upon myself. At age 72, I love myself and walked through the door of freedom and peace. God and you dear Anna, led me there. I understand now. May God continue to bless the work you do.


PS HUGE THANK YOU — Everyone, every one who posted here. Moved to tears, by each. I am in Awe of your, our extraordinary endurance and courage… we walk together hand in hand, heart in heart 💜 👏


Mindreading me again, Anna!
At 45, and in the throes of an early menopause, I feel like a washed-up loser for whom there is no hope, and for whom all chances at life have passed by. It's as if Mother nature is rubber-stamping my suspicions by making my body old before its time! I've had nigh on 30 years of conventional talking therapy, on and off, to no avail, and it's set me up to think I'm a nut that can't be cracked, so I should stop trying to heal. One of the worst aspects is you sense others looking at you thinking you'll probably always be like this, and that you need to 'get real', and accept it. But for me it's not acceptable, and cannot imagine being able to make it through the rest of my life like this, lurking in the shadows, surviving my wretched existence. It's just too sad. I am very bitter at this point, and on my knees physically from chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia type symptoms, and I'd love to rediscover the energetic, athletic girl I was. About 2 years back I learned about bioenergetics, where the therapy is physical as well as emotional, based on the reality of trauma being literally trapped in the limbic system. I have a hunch about it because my symptoms are so physical, but in England there are no such therapists, so I have no game plan just now. However, I'd like to re-start on a healing path by giving your method a good shot, because I have a hunch about that too.


That makes me happy to hear people so far along in life are still willing to learn and try to better themselves.


I'm 64. Ive been listening to your videos for several months now and doing the daily practice. I just purchased your couples program, I've been alone 21 years and so eager to "break free" of my triggers. This video on "am I too late", really hit home. Ive been through countless lets talk about it therapists. This feels right to me. I'm looking forward to a miracle when I can finally heal this pain. Thank you.


I'm in my 60's and so thankful to have stumbled on this channel as I'm seeing progress. One of the things I remind myself daily is, "these are good ol' days", I no longer live with abuse, have time to rebuild myself and enjoy my life.


My biological mom was so bitter from violent family, I took her into my home and now she smile and laugh. My adoptive mother always say, love one another and take care of each other.


this is so true, i was way too busy with life trying to get a head in life. too busy to focus on whats wrong with me. in a way i took a back seat to my kids, marriage, mortgage, food, money, ect ect you know, the daily grind. my problems were just part of it. but little did i know t was striving to build a house on sinking sand. and yeah, i probably wouldnt have stopped to notice the truth about the real symptoms from childhood causing my problems. but here now, as anna said after such a time of noticing the same pattern of self defeating behaviors, triggers, and acute dysregulations yeah, it is clear to the blind whats wrong with me. and yeah also to know whats wrong, be given the pathway to solution and healing, at 60 this is golden and can truly be my goldenness years to come. thanks to anna. thank you anna for reaching out to this old soul and connecting with the help that at my age is life changing.


I can’t believe I found you. You have truly changed my life


I'm 70 .
Joy occurs in the moment, no matter how many years lie behind you .


I read an article that indicates that animals experience symptoms typical of PTSD, after long periods of traumatic stress. What was interesting is that the hippocampus that helps regulate and delegate fearful experience, literally shrinks in PTSD. It is damaged and can no longer mitigate trauma. It’s the reason we keep reliving and why we keep reliving trauma and are unable to forget. ♥️🌹🕊
