Best Trading Timeframes - How I Only Trade 2 Hours A Day

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How do you trade less and make more? In trading, more screen time really does not equate to more profits. At least for most experienced traders, and from my own experience, more time spent on trading can actually lead to more mistakes and losses.

What are the best timeframes to trade? I’m going to break it down into 3 main topics in today’s video:
- How and why I personally only trade 2 hours a day… and maybe you should too
- How to properly time your entries based on the kind of strategies you trade
- The most volatile and profitable market times that you should take advantage of
- Actionable tips to maximize profits while minimizing your time in the market

Whether you're trading part-time or full-time, this video will help you become a more efficient trader and reduce the stress from trading. So let's smash the like button and get started!

#daytrading #besttradingtimeframes #tradingstrategy #stocks #stockmarket #humbledtrader #intradaytrading #tradingtime #tradingtimeframe
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Рекомендации по теме

Becoming a good trader takes time and patience. When i first got into trading i was liquidated twice, and lost my entire mortgage deposit. I could have given up, but decided to learn how to trade and put it into practice. 4 years later and i am glad i made that decision.


It took me seven years to get to where I consider myself a really "successful" trader, and I'm probably another couple of years from leaving my job and trading full-time. But the BIGGEST lesson I think I learned was about over-trading and only trading the morning trade window. Early morning moves are WAY more predictable. If I don't find a trade within the first 1.5 hours, I just don't trade for the day. Took years to get myself that disciplined. Great stuff HT!


I been watching your videos for awhile on my TV, and haven't commented anything, but I wanted to take this moment to say, "thank you so much for your informative and helpful videos." Keep up the great work, Humbled Trader. 👍


I've been learning and studying on and off for a year now. Just started paper trading about 2 months ago and I was very impressed i was in GREEN. As soon as i trade with my real money, I was unprofitable and lost about 2k in one month! I swing trade. Now that i'm watching your video, I am making some changes. The early bird gets the worms. I'm going to be that early bird. There is so much to learn, 1 year just isn't enough to know everything. To master the art of trading, one must learn every step of the way. Never give up. 5 years ago i was with robinhood trading option and then i lost about $100ish and i quit. Now I am back to learning and trading. I know that it's possible and it will happen. now not but it will.


I like how you makes sure we can read the positions, the charts are so small on a phone it is sometimes hard t9 see what a youtuber wants to say


What I don’t understand is, on one hand we are told the stock market will crash and yet on the other we are told ways of investing in the stock market. Oxymoron or paradox?


The 2hr frame is a nice mix between the popular 1 & 4hr frame for accuracy, less noise and good opportunities depending on the moving averages you use...


What do you think about the quantower platform? Maybe we could get a review on it?


I did a timeframe calibration against my strategy. Backtested my strategy for 50 tickers against the 1, 3, 5, 15, 30 and 1hr timeframe. As I went up in timeframe, I had less losses. However, I also had less profit. I always place trades right before a candle closes. I kept going up in timeframe until I was losing too much profit to justify using that timeframe. Then I went back down to the next lower timeframe. My strategy is now calibrated to that timeframe. I still have losses of course, but it's minimal and my profits are big enough and frequent enough to justify staying on that timeframe.


How to trade early. Thx Shay, u rock. I'm learning sooo much from u


Great content! Appreciate your dedicated hard work and continued lessons.


Hey, Humbled Trader 🤗 Another super helpful video 🙏🏼 A quick question (I really appreciate that you take time to answer Q’s, not everyone does this..)
How much do you monitor major indexes such as SPY or QQQ when you trade? Would you say it’s a must to monitor them when you trade to understand overall market sentiment? Or it’s not as important? 🙏🏼


Once again another well thought out and executed educational video. "How to buy Early"


Gotta watch it again multiple times to reallly memorize the strategies.. thanks


5 years in the market and of course still learning things. Thanks for those ideas Humbled T.


Your help is really appreciate. Keep up the work. Thank you


What I love about your videos is the transparency. Thanks for sharing all of this information.


Please send me the How to buy early video. Thanks. You do a great job teaching!


Your videos are great – fun to watch and super clear without all the unnecessary jargon. Thanks for that! Also, when do you typically send out the Weekend Watchlist?


How to trade early.
Thanks for the inspiration you've provided with your podcasts with all the guests you've interviewed.
