The Battle of Cannae: Hannibal's Brilliant Pincer Movement

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The Roman Republic and the Carthaginians fought a decisive battle at Cannae in 216 BC, during the Second Punic War. The fighting occurred in southern Italy, not far from the town of Cannae. The Carthaginian leader Hannibal Barca orchestrated a stunning pincer manoeuvre to encircle and decimate the Roman army. The fight ended in a resounding win for the Carthaginians, earning it a place among history's greatest military successes.

The events leading up to the Battle of Cannae, the plans and tactics used by both sides, and the results of the conflict are all topics we'll cover in this video. Experts that specialize in this conflict's analysis will also join us to provide their knowledge and perspective.

Watch this video if you want to find out more about this pivotal conflict from antiquity.
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