The Reality Of Having A Boyfriend

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This video showcases some of the realities of having a boyfriend around the house.

Having a boyfriend is pretty cool, but it's not all rainbows and sunshine.

Have you ever stopped to consider the reality of what's on it's way once you commit to a relationship with a man? Some of the 'extra' - NOT so desirable benefits of having a boyfriend?

I want to use today's video to remind you that, while finding love is the ultimate goal, the reality is that it's still not too bad being single!

In this dating advice video (I use that term loosely) from Make Him Yours, I (Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationship coach) have my on-screen girlfriend Jermia back to remind you of some of the, shall we say... harsher - realities of having a boyfriend.

Sharing toothbrushes, not listening to a thing you say and of course - the dreaded man flu are all part of the reality awaiting you once you've made him yours.

When a woman comes to me saying "Mark, what is the reality of having a boyfriend?" scenes like what you're about to watch flash through my head. I've decided to feature some of these classic boyfriend realities alongside my ever eye-rolling co-star, Jermia.

In today's dating video we're reminding you that while finding love is amazing, your single life - not having to deal with some of these realities that come with having a man, isn't so bad as well.

What benefits come with having a man in your life? Better watch the video to find out!

Enjoy the video guys! This is Mark Rosenfeld, dating and relationships coach from Make Him Yours 🙂

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Mark Rosenfeld is the Australian dating and relationship coach for women and the founder of Make Him Yours, a dating advice and relationship advice service empowering women to find the love they desire.

Please watch: "How To Have WAY More Fun On Dates & Stop Wasting Time On Dating"
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Рекомендации по теме

not helpful at home = I'd rather be single


Good Job Jermia. u do it so well... I pity u Mark....


i know you both are not a couple, but it seems that you are in love with her 😜


😂😂😂😂😂😂 priceless!!!! Do guys actually not care if they use their gf toothbrush?? My x was always finickity about it, wouldn’t touch anything of mine, like ever!

Ps the man flu = spot on!!!! 😁


OR - you can actually mark this one as "the reality of having a husband for seventeen years" - just add the "no, I don't know when the parents' meeting night is, whose gym-bag should be packed on what-day and the 'oh it was your night out - I did not stack the dishwasher' - episodes and that's that! :-)


So is there an exhaustive version of this or...?


hi English is not good.i hope you can understand me. I have question. if a guy left a girl that does not mean problem from the girl. there is a guy left me because he coudn, t understand me. I see my self a good girl .but the problem from the men .they can not recognize a good girl.


Oh so this is what it looks like
When bf-gf Lv in 2gether👇
n the same
U guys are Amazing doing the Demo -
2gether, it's fun to watch.😊😊
C u t e


Wow, hey baby best to do Mark out n get a bf that listen n notice stuff. Good thinking girl, bye Mark. 😎


0:28 if you really love him you wouldn’t be disgusted with him !!


Why do men act like this when they are sick? Ill go into work draggin a broken leg behind me and it seems when some men get the sniffles its all over. 😝
