Alan Watts - What Is Reality?

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“Perhaps the foremost interpreter of Eastern disciplines for the contemporary West, Alan Watts had the rare gift of ‘writing beautifully the un-writable’. Watts begins with scholarship and intellect and proceeds with art and eloquence to the frontiers of the spirit. A fascinating entry into the deepest ways of knowing.” — Los Angeles Times
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This is where all the cool people on the Internet hangout 🕊


My mom listened to hom A lot, she passed away 14/02/2024. I will listen to him more mom. To Catherine Wattson.


In my opinion, Alan Watts was and is the best spiritual teacher ever: because he didn't keep you busy with spiritual discipline. He said it's right there for all to see


*“A person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts”* - Alan Watts


Alan watts is the universe, speaking to you ... telling you, that you are it.


7 years ago i went thru the worst part of my drug addiction 3 ODs and was still digging my grave deeper and deeper. Heard a small 4 mins of how life is more important with oneself in it and it saved my life and allowed me to have the strength to climb out of that hole. Allowing me to watch my oldest son who will be 8 this year and i can say in Aug I’ll be 7 years clean!
I hope one in addiction see this and will notice life is better with you in it!


Just imagine if every government official, police authority, council worker, judge, solicitor, teacher, parent, bishop, doctor, etc, had Alan Watts enlightened intelligence.
Just imagine what world and existence we would experience.
If only this was reality. .
Miss you Alan.


Around 15 years ago I discovered Alan's lectures. The only way I've ever been able to explain his impact in simplicity is that Alan Watts has made me think the most interesting thoughts I've ever had. I met an old friend of his name Gerry and her Dog Karmalita in SF area, sweetest lady. She gave my friend & I a ride while we're hitch hiking on our backpacking trip. She told us a lot about Him, the wild side, the friendly side, and everything in-between. Ever since my discovery, I truly believe I've never seen the world, my life, or energy in the same way again. I found Alan's work when I was in a dark place in life and it helped pull me out and here I am 15 years later going through something similar as the past and what decided to pop up today... a beautiful lecture from the man himself. Thank you Alan I wish I could personally thank you for your life's devotion to enlighten the world, as still to this very day your impact has grown larger than you may ever had imagined. Thank you Alan 🙏


My heart aches for truth. My spirit cries out for relief. My soul is made whole by the life of the light.
Once I removed religion from my supernatural walk, I now am the closest to God I have ever been.


We are pure energy having a human experience. Alan Watts understands that and articulates that brilliantly.


The moment I dare to take life too seriously I hit that play button somewhere on the internet and come to senses. This man is the universe most sane creation and this is one of his most amazing talks.


Alan is a mix of ancient and modern intelligence.


I listen to this to sleep to, I wake up in a great mood because of Alan’s words being drilled into my head.


The reality is, that we have been trained forever to look at others and judge. Instead, we must realize we all emerged from the same protozoic slime. We are only here for a little while. What you have is what you should enjoy


This man had great wisdom. If one is able to view the world in the way he did I think it becomes near impossible to give way to hating.


Even though, I stayed in my chair. Crying, listening to this made me realize how lucky I am.
I love you alan watts.


I was in my 20s, 1970, when I read some Alan Watts and enjoy having youtube to hear him again. He is certainly one of the helpful people, or instigators of helpfulness.


Time is a human construct. I can only be here and now. All that exists is the NOW. The past is realm of regret, the future one of anxiety, both existing ONLY within our mind.


I stumbled upon his lectures on you tube about a year ago. Now I can’t sleep without him, and THAT makes me keep listening to the same ones over and over cause sometimes I fall asleep too quickly. So there’s always something I haven’t heard him say ! Lol. Oh how I love his voice too. ❤❤❤❤


I used to listen to Mr Watts on the radio in the nineteen sixties. I'm glad l found this. Thanks 😊.
