This Is Why Your Happiness Depends On Others

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You should be the owner of your own life. Your emotions shouldn't depend on others. You will be the same person when someone new comes to your life or leaves, nothing should change.

If you are waiting for that special person and think you will be happy when that person comes into your life then you are completely wrong. Your core emotional state will be the same and this is why your happiness depends on others. This is what Sadhguru is emphasizing in this short video.

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This is why your happiness dependsn on Others is one the most dwelling questions that we as a human face and we as spreader of Sadhguru's message have taken out the exact answer for you so tune into this video.

Spirit Of Sadhguru
Рекомендации по теме

"I don't want you destroy all the romance" is epic ❤😂


Maybe right guru but one does not need any extra triggers in ones life enough to deal with on day to day basis.Thats reality!
