Dungeons and Dragons Lore: Dragon Gods

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The Draconic gods, more specifically the dragon gods of the world of Toril, for the Forgotten Realms setting.

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The length of it alone made me grin...the video I mean


Thanks AJ, great video as always! This will help in my current game where I got the rare and coveted opportunity to reach 17th level as a wizard and promptly used true polymorph to become an adult gold dragon.

So, question for AJ and the great community here: How can I, as a player, effectively role play being a dragon?

I’ve already started work excavating a lair near a city I like, started calculating how much gold is needed for a comfortable bed, and hired a bard to start spreading tales of my exploits. Any more ideas?


Alright, today was a good day. Lots of stuff got done and I'm exhausted. Oh a new video from professor Pickett. I'll just watch this before I go to be- 56:35?!"

I'm saving this for the morning but commenting now😋


I love watching AJs videos with my beverage.


Good golly this was a treat I live these videos a bright moment in my busy day


I'm currently writing my own OC campaign for 5e, and this video gave me more dragon gods than I could actually hope to use! Thank you for the buffet of dragonic deities! I'll choose the best ones for my purposes, again thank you


I guess that I'm guilty of puerile simplicity. My first fantasy novels were the Dragonlance Chronicles. There is Paladine, and there is Takhisis. Water is wet, the sun is hot, Paladine is impossibly good, and Takhisis is impossibly evil. It made sense to my young mind. As I've grown, read more from many more sources, played dungeons and dragons, immersed myself in the exquisite pleasure of Krynnish and Forgotten Realms draconic lore - I can't say that I've evolved with the content. Water is wet, the sun is hot, Paladine/Bahamut is impossibly good, and Takhisis/Tiamat is impossibly evil. It's limiting, but it's soothing. I've only ever enjoyed playing good-aligned characters; thus, I'm team Platinum for life!

Thank you, AJ Pickett - this is a GORGEOUS exploration into those OTHER draconic deities. 100/100. Brilliant.


I love Dragons. They are my favorite fantasy creature. And since so many fantasy books, movies, and games inspired me to write my own Fantasy material. I always saw Dragons as beings that don't need Gods, because they are so immensely powerful and wise throughout the ages. In how I see Dragons is the older a Dragon gets the more one with the primordial forces of the cosmos they become with. Not only do they get bigger with age, but the more powerful the older they get as well, and even the more omniscient they become because they are made out of the fundamental forces of the cosmos. So if a Dragon is billions of years old they are much larger than a planet and can challenge and kill even a God.


Asgorath: *Lays down to take a nap* Civilization: *haha, I'm in danger"


I'm running a campaign where my players are young bronze and copper dragons. Tiamat has risen defeated the avatar of Bahamut in the prime material plane and has ruled half the planet all metallic dragons seeing the fall of their king fled to another realm. Only thing from stopping her from ruling it all is a prismatic dragon telling her the rest is his. They have to gather the artifacts and summon Bahamut to fight tiamat again.


I really like how the Dragon religion uses language that subtly reflects them, like IO ‘breathing’ life into universe.
Great job AJ!


i have been playing since the late 70's. your wisdom is deep and sound! well done, sir!


Finally got around to seeing the whole video. Work at the hospital has been a mess, so thanks for the oasis of nerdy calm in my day. Seems like Tiamat is just as conniving and scheming as Glasya. I wonder if one has ever tried to make a power play on the other? I don’t see Asmodeus caring either way as he clearly respects both his daughter and the Dragon queen.


Still dying to see an episode about Adamantine Dragons.


Thank you for providing some content to watch during the quarantine


Thanks for uploading. I plan to run a campaign in a setting that’s completely ruled by dragons and where Io is the de facto leader of the pantheon.


My Kobold alchemist is one who prays to Aio not so much to gain power but to help retain his balanced chaotic nature. As a result he is very quick witted and if pissed off will cause so much verbal pain you might die from that over the arrows of his crossbow.


My head cannon for why we dont have any of the dragon gods in 5e is cause when the spell plague happened they all become mortal and a bunch of 4e adventures killed them all


Thank you for the shout out to the Stellar Dragons, my favorite variety of dragon and one that is all too often overlooked!


Hey @aj Pickett just want to send out a thank you and a keep it up. I'm not in a place to send a bunch of financial support at this time but I just want you to know that I appreciate the countless hours you spend bringing all this luscious lore to life. When the time comes and it will come. I'll not forget to buy the merch and support the cause because, my word, your amazing. Also(all this flattering talk not withstanding) would love to see a video from you regarding the World Serpent Inn. Nobody else has done one and I think your the best so you get to be hassled by me. Sorry, not sorry lol
