How to Get Involved in the PTA

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If you are concerned with your child's education, health, and welfare, then you should take action and get involved in the Parent Teacher Association.

Step 1: Join
Get involved in your PTA by joining. Call your school and get contact information for the president of your local chapter

If there is no PTA in your area, organize one.

Step 2: Attend the meetings
Attend the PTA meetings. The school will post notices alerting you to the times and days of the meetings.

Step 3: Volunteer
Volunteer your time and help implement school improvement programs.

Step 4: Help get the word out
Help get the word out about the PTA's mission and communicate to the community with flyers, newsletters, and e-mails.

Step 5: Fundraise
Participate in fundraising efforts to help raise money to support school programs.

Step 6: Make a contribution
Make a financial contribution to help the PTA achieve their missions.

Step 7: Provide resources
Provide resources or speak on issues to help impact the education, health, and welfare of kids in your community.

Did You Know?
Children achieve higher grades, test scores improve, and attendance increases when parents are involved in their lives at home and at school.
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