How To EASILY Unclog Ink Jet Print Heads

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How to unclog/clean dried up ink jet printer print head cartridges, best reliable method to get your ink flowing again, and the solution to printing blank or faded pages. When properly done according to this video, you should be able to unclog a dried out inkjet print head. This method will not repair a damaged inkjet print head, nor is any method 100% guaranteed to work on every print head. Have a bowl and paper towels on hand in the event you make a mess! ***NOTE: If your print head is separate from the ink cartridge, it may still be possible to clean the print head installed in the printer. Use a piece of plastic under the print head, and apply a very warm and damp paper towel to the print head and follow the procedure as shown in this video.***

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**For GREAT deals(Usually cheaper than EBAY & Amazon) on printer ink cartridges & ink refills, test equipment, electronics, drones, automotive tools, household items, phone accessories, locksmith tools, & much more, please visit the link below and SAVE IT AS A BOOKMARK on your computer or smartphone to Banggood for future purchases. (Your purchase supports my channel!)
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i like this guy!sounds like an north easterner lol in a good way. thank you sir for making a video that is very clear and to the point. 7 years later and your video is still helping folks like myself.


Can't believe it but I've got a working printer now. Had an HP 3630 that I'd had in the box for a few years unopened. Has the 63 HP cartridges. When I tried to use it the first time, black was completely dried out and the color was about 60% dried with just blue and yellow coming out on test prints. Did your technique --with the color, soaked a couple of times then peeled back label and blew into hole with a straw--that got magenta going and it was good to go. The black took several soakings and a few straw applications but I eventually got it going. I had really thought that I wouldn't be able to get decent print from the black but I knew there was wet ink at the top of the pad. On the final soak of the black cartridge (25 minutes) I did see black ink floating around in the container so I thought maybe I had finally unclogged it. Then did one more straw application and I guess I had pushed enough ink down towards the bottom of it to get it operating normally. Result: The color output is near perfect and the black is about 90% OK with some faded print on the edges in places and some lines. But usable for sure and saved me 60 bucks. I think your comment that you had never not been able to get one of these going made me persist beyond what I normally would have. Mega-thanks for your video!!


Hi-I can't thank you enough for your method for getting dried out inkjets to work. Your instructions were the clearest I came across and uncomplicated. I'm sure I'll be needing to do this again since it's a common problem and I always had to buy new and expensive inkjets. Thank you, thank you, thank you! N


Thank you so much for this! I have been refilling my cartridges for over 2 years and always ran into clogs that I could NEVER fix. I tried soaking in Windex, Alcohol, hot water, you name it! I always just ended up buying new cartridges, which defeated the purpose after only being able to refill it once. Who knew it would be as simple as blowing through a straw! You are a lifesaver!

For anyone reading this who uses Canon cartridges where the cyan and yellow chambers are open at the very top (244), this did not make either ink spill over into each others chambers, even after refilling them with 1.5ml of ink! That was my biggest concern when doing this!


Wow!! After watching dozens of other videos on how to fill cartridges, buying ink, doing all the things I thought would work, this guy comes along and says to push air through the little hole! Well, I could not get a tube to work, so I took the risk and just blew on the hole with my mouth held tight to the cartridge. It worked!! Thank you! I did not get any ink in my mouth, on my lips, or anywhere but the paper towel. It took one firm blow! Now I don't have to go buy ANYTHING!! Thank you soooo much!


Thank you so much!! Five minutes of soaking and some mouth-to-mouth (was too impatient to find some tubing) and my cartridge is working like a charm!


Thank you! My red wasn't coming out either. Just a few blows directly on the red hole and the red came out!
Thank you so much :)


Holy Cow!!! I have spent HOURS following HP's recommendations, aligning, cleaning printer heads (repeatedly), removing all the drivers and reinstalling the printer and drivers and HP smart onto my computer and NONE of it worked....and then (imagine magical angel chimes playing in the background) I watched your video and the problem was fixed in UNDER 30 SECONDS!!!! Thank you SO very much!!


You just saved me a new printer. Epic. This is why YouTube is the most valuable resource on the planet. Thank you


My printer sit unused for almost 2 years. Just before i replace the catridge, i saw your video and follow the instruction. It worked, instuctions is simple and very easy to follow. Thanks for uploading this video. God bless you.


Thank you for this video! I ran the cartridge cleaner on my HP printer over and over trying to get the black cartridge to print more than half of a line. Probably used half the cartridge trying to get it to work. Decided to check YouTube and found your video. Used the soaking method and in about one minute have a perfectly working cartridge! Awesome video - thanks again!


This is a 8 year old video and it's incredible how this method still work like a charmed on my canon cartridge. I was having problem printing black and white pages. I took the narrow plastic tube of my daughter's water bottle and blew into the hole where I would normally put the syringe and viola, it worked. My pages are now perfect! Thanks for sharing this method!


Wow! After hours of troubleshooting and close to 20 Diagnostic pages printed, my red is finally printing!! Thank you!! My blue now has some streaks but the main problem was resolved haha!


My printer had been stored away for three years because of covid-19. I thought it would be pretty hopeless but you saved the day so I didn't need to buy new black or colour printer ink. Thank you very much!


Perfect, thank you so much. Blowing through a straw worked! A pity I didn't come across this tip before. I've spent days soaking my cartridges to no avail. I got so desperate that today I ordered new HP cartridges (which I can now return for a refund). I have been refilling cartridges for years using good quality ink and a syringe.


You are a genius! I used an empty hair dye bottle and SLIGHTLY pulled back the sticker and used the fine tip on the empty hair dye bottle as a blower to blow out the clogged ink head and it TOTALLY WORKS!!!!


Never in my life I thought I had be troubleshooting ink cartridges lol


You can add me to the list of happy viewers!! My black and red inks were just not working at all, even after doing the basic and deep cleanings recommended by my printer manufacturer. It took a nice blow into the tube to get that ink running again! What a life saver because there is no place in town that sells the ink cartridges that my old printer uses. I was desperate!! Thank you again for having a very useful video to help us out. 😃👍


This video saved my life and my printer's life, as I was almost ready to start hacking it to pieces I was so frustrated
