Getting A Tech Job In 2023

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The market has changed a lot. I don't do a lot of early career content but I think the "theo way of doing things" is more applicable than ever right now.

#webdevelopment #layoffs

S/O FlipMedia for the awesome edit 🙏
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so basically finding a job is a battle royal now


I quit my job 6 months ago as a data migration engineer to become a web dev. I spent 8-16 hours a day learning html, css, Javascript/Typescript, React, Nextjs, apis, and DBs.

I'm proud to say I was just hired last week as a web dev using a totally different stack.


I've spent the last 3 months applying, getting to final stage interviews and being edged out by the competition - its brutal!


I graduated last year with an Associate's. I have 7 years of IT experience and still cannot find a permanent full-time ENTRY LEVEL IT job. It's ridiculous. I wish someone told me a decade ago to nor pursue tech. It's one of the most oversaturated jobs where it's next to impossible to find a job...


As always in my life, I've been late to the party. I decided to quit my job this January, to become a full stack engineer, and since I quit my job, FANG and other big companies started mass layoffs, and chatGPT came out. Talk about bad luck... I roll a dice and I get -6...


Can't tell you how much I needed this video right now. I've spent basically a year (after two years of self-teaching) trying to take that resilience path, and this certainly is giving me a wake up call to focus my efforts on building better stuff instead of just applications. Always great stuff but this is vital.


Getting a first round interview now is more difficult than making to round 5 previously. In previous job search I had 2-3 interviews everyday. Now months without a single interview. I am senior level and same for many of my teammates.


So basically the only sure path is to be a rockstar programmer, which does not apply to 90% of us. Or dedicate tons of time and effort in the hopes that your job won't get automated away in the future.


Quit my job. Spent thousands of dollars in bootcamps and could not compete against someone with a career and a degree. It was hard, the only job I could land was a $14/h job as a WordPress developer. I ended up studying for a license for 1 month and got a job as an insurance agent making 60k a year. I plan on going back to school and finishing my degree instead. It sucks to be late to the party. Its hard out there, good luck to everyone.


Learn plumbing or construction working, and you'll get rid of all this bs, work hard bs, or "a.i. is coming" stress, you'll earn twice the money, and find jobs to do instantly. At least in Europe, a plumber/construction worker gets 2-3 times the money of a web dev. You'll get back home tired rarely, and when it's the case, it's physically tired, not mentally. I forgot to mention, you don't need a master degree in IT, 5 years of experience and 5 years of experience in all new possible languages or that ridiculously hyped, useless Typescript shit.


last year i was getting interviews left and right without even putting any effort into applying. i wasn't ready to leave my job but i wanted the interview practice. now that i'm ready to change jobs i haven't been able to get an interview in 2 months...


It is funny to see the IT crowd now has to learn about how supply and demand works on the free market. Welcome to the real world. You are going to hate it. But at least it will make you understand the general population and their issues more. Not the superficial issues that we developed in out IT bubble.


getting a job anywhere is extremely hard, me trying to get a animation job was easy during the mid late 2000s now extremely hard to none, People wonder "what young People are commiting suicide nooo" due to no one hiring and companys not hiring and if they are It's a extremely rare unicorn.


I think some of your assumptions are incorrect. Openings have not been cut in half; industry-wide openings have been reduced by 10-15%. And referrals are still meaningless at many companies.

It feels like you're winging it here, going off your impressions based on anecdotes and social posts from your own friends group. I'd love it if you would look into some reliable data sources and consider updating this clip with references.


"it's cool everyone just erase any separation between work and personal life you thought you had and you'll maybe get a job"


As someone who left a pretty good career last November to pivot to software development, this is pretty disheartening to hear. I just couldn't waste any more life doing something I had very little interest in even though I knew the tech industry was headed for difficult times. Hopefully things will start to improve by the time I'm ready to find a job, but I guess we will all just have to work harder to break through in the meantime. Thank you for the encouraging advice; I will make sure to find ways to contribute, get to know people, and make impacts even without a job.


Its definitely an US issue, not a programming/dev issue, your economy is having a huge recession and competition with China is becoming impossible since they work 9am to 9pm 6 days a week in software, robotics and medicine.
All the empires have its downfall and you are about to meet yours


This is true. But also, ex-FANG people expect very high salaries that just aren't available anymore. Many of them won't even look at a lot of the jobs fresh grads and juniors apply for due to the salary disparity. There are plenty of jobs out there; as you said you have to network well and leave an impact where you go


I don't know how people have the energy to keep trying at this point. I'm tired. I don't enjoy life enough to try this hard just to sell a third of the rest of my life just to keep being alive.


If an industry os making it impossible to get a job, leave that industry.
