How social media is influencing Gen Z beauty standards | The Stream

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Gen Z’s beauty obsession is surging, with skincare spending up 20% and teen cosmetic procedures rising 75% since 2019. Social media is accused of fueling aging anxiety through viral content warning against aging. We explore the societal, economic, and industry-driven forces behind this trend.

Presenter: Anelise Borges

Dr Maryam Zamani - Oculoplastic surgeon and facial aesthetician
Michelle Wong - Cosmetic chemist and science educator
Samar Harmon - Therapist
Kat Tenbarge - Journalist

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Healthy diet (no added sugar) is more important the serums, creams or acids.


I’m Gen X and we did NOT think about aging in our teens and 20s. Wasn’t a thought.


Al the experts are missing the mark. The fact that we do not value old people and we have a culture that throws you away when you are no longer “useful” is the issue. Who in our society has no value? The Elderly have no value in our society. Looking old means you have less value. That is the bottom line. That’s what they should be talking about. Have a different conversation.


I am 36 and enjoy getting older. My mind is stronger, learnt from the mistakes and proud of what I archived. The only sad thing is that my loved ones are getting older too. One day we will all die and there is nothing wrong about that, the only sad thing is being left behind when your loved ones are gone and you still need to tolerate this world alone.


Young people are notoriously bad at guessing people’s age because they haven’t seen their own face and that of those around them change for a longer stretch of time.


I'm Gen X. I didn't know I wasn't 25 until I was 45. Society is sick and sad. I'm so happy I'm not young! What a rotten time to be young, in every conceivable way.


I remember in my twenties I was worried about getting into university, having a job, fighting domestic/partner violence and surviving in a country that had massive social and economic inequality and that was in an internal war conflict.


When I was a youngster and even in my 20's I'd never heard of serums or other beauty products. These kids need to stop this unrealistic trend to look perfect and be comfortable in their own skin rather than bending to peer pressure and following whatever and whoever they see on social media such as tiktok which is often superficial and promotes unrealistic and unhealthy beauty standards. We all have different lives and different routines and should accept that we are all different rather than trying to mimic someone's beauty regime which may not be ideal for us. Don't go to extreme limits just to look perfect such as undergoing botox and lip injections which in many cases can backfire. We are not plastic but walking and breathing humans. Know what fits best for you but don't go to extremes to look great. Kids don't need these many products or be obsessed with looking good when their focus should be more on constructive work. Beauty has been reduced to such a superficial level where people are so concerned on how others perceive them rather than on how they actually feel within. Don't try to please people since you can never please everyone.


Lots of these cosmetics, creams, and cosmetic services were not around years ago. The ones that were around were hugely expensive and out of the range of most people. It literally was only an option for the wealthy. Now, there are many options and better options. Lots of them are reasonably priced and within the reach of a lot of people. I am 61 and I can tell you when I was young, whenever something new came out and we could afford it, we would get it! Mind you marketing and trends do influence a lot more now with social media, and we didnt have as many options as they do now. Honestly though, the older you get, the more invisible you become. Its horrible for the elderly, who are ignored, or worse, not even acknowledged.


I am almost 40, but I have 19 years olds hitting on me thinking I am 25


I loved the side comment about Leonardo DiCaprio - spot on


It’s because only looks matter, they define your life


We need to allow actresses have wrinkles in their 30s, 40s, 50s. We have grown so use to Botox actresses that we are shocked when we see a natural looking woman. Its great to see facial movement, from natural actors.


The more you kids stress out about it, the more you'll... wait for it... LOOK STRESSED OUT. So just chill. Breathe.


I am Gen z but i think in my 27 I am young then other Gen Z .Because my mind is so young and I don't use this type of beauty aging product..It is so normal to aging for every pepole, only we all should maintain a healthy diet and maintain to be positive.Why all girl's and boy's of Gen Z waste money behind these beauty product😔😔 If you give your money to the needy you will feel peace in your heart and it will help you to stay young.


In my view, the highlight of this video is what the lady said: "deconstructing what social media has built up" believe it or not social media has influenced how we perceive ourselves. If we continue following this trend, we will have the saddest, most unsatisfied, and unhappiest generation ever.


This younger generation has no boundaries, your age is confidential info and why care what other people think of you. and they idolize people based on looks and lifestyle instead of their contribution in society.


It's true that social media has played an important role in shaping the reality of beauty standards. As mentioned in the video, this problem is multi dimensional and layered. Besides social media's influence, cultural norms and societal stereotypes have also been major culprits.


I was shocked to hear some YouTuber under the age 25 worried about aging on one of her videos. It’s def the result of social media. Millennials did not care at all about this type of stuff at that age. Yeah by now some have had work done also arguably bc of social media but back then it wasn’t a thing. I think it’s kind of sad. Just enjoy your 20s. Why are you worried about aging at such a young age. Secondly this idea you should never get old is flawed. Someone once said something that stuck with me that I think should be the motto we put out to young people that “there is beauty to every age”. Not everything is about outward looks. There is beauty in becoming grandparents, getting older more mature, growing as a person, raising kids for some people etc.


Don't smoke, keep alcohol to a minimum or none at all.
Climate makes a big difference. I went from South India to Salt Lake City Utah and I looked like I aged 10 years.
In the photo you see I'm 56. Now Im 67 no botox or fillers ever.
Age gracefully ladies.
