Make Change That Lasts | Dr. Rangan Chatterjee X Rich Roll

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What keeps us tethered to patterns that erode our well-being?

This week on the podcast, I’m joined by Dr. Rangan Chatterjee, one of Britain’s most influential physicians and host of the chart-topping “Feel Better, Live More” podcast. Through his work with thousands of patients, Dr. Chatterjee has discovered why we remain habituated to behaviors that no longer serve us—and how to break free.

In his new book, “Make Change That Lasts,” he introduces the game-changing concept of “minimal reliance” and why willpower alone fails us. Our conversation explores how lasting transformation emerges when we understand our deeper patterns, learn to trust ourselves, and much more!

Now available on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and everywhere you enjoy the RRP. 

Episode 879.

✌🏼🌱 - Rich
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This is so powerful but also tricky to actually achieve given the cost of living many people are working incredibly hard just to barely keep their head above water


I think no matter how we live we always end up with some regrets. To die gracefully is to live gracefully


I was a nurse for ten years and have since sat with family members on their death bed. I have never heard anyone talk about work in any way on their death bed. They’re usually unconscious or doped up on morphine. Before they reach this stage they don’t quite believe they’re on their death bed and just enjoy ( as best they can) having family around them


In reality for most of us we have to work so much to give our families the life they want thus sacrificing that time with them.


There is never enough time. I could live a thousand years and still not have enough time with those I love


This is why I'M SO HAPPY and GREATFUL THAT I LIVE ALONE. Nobody have any expectations from me. ❤


When my father was dying, he spent his time talking to us, his children about how he wasn't afraid and how much he loved us. He called everyone and said goodbye, our old neighbors, his friends, his journeymen, he rven called my friends who he had known since my childhood. My therapist at the time said she had never heard such a story and what a gift. He never said a word about work or wanting to have lived his own life and not what others expected.


It’s true. I really really need to start my business asap! I deserve to do what gives me joy and energy. People deserve my services!
Today I’m working but tomorrow it’s my day off and I’ll make my first step in that direction!


What is universal is that humans are always disatisfied by their lives. The grass is always greener at the other side. This is normal behavior, if not you would not have the motivation to keep moving. Once you understand that, your life will look better at the present, even you are dying.


I wish I'd listened to fewer podcasts that say a lot without actually saying much.
Podcasts about health, self improvement and mental well-being that stretch out what can be summed up in a chapter but are given to us in a novel.


People on their death bed would typically have been born in the 30’s, 40’s, 50’s and if this is there final thoughts and regrets. Imagine what we will be like on our death beds living in a world where businesses are 24/7, social media keeps us living for others, housing prices aren’t in line with pay, both partners in a household have to work full time whilst bringing up children to be able to afford to live and that’s just scratching the surface. We live in a world where expectations are forced via social media, advertising and trends not just keeping up with the Jones’s anymore.

None of it will matter in the end and it’s very true, the message in this video, however, modern life doesn’t allow us to live any other way.


I'll die without these regrets...but broke and alone, because to live life in your own terms means getting all the negative people out of my life. And most people are negative and just suck


My goal though is to break my family’s pattern of not being able to provide for the next generation. I’m going to have to work my tail off and save and invest for the long term to be able to set my future kids up with their college and first house. It all depends on your goals. I’ve spent the first 24 years of my life enjoying friends and family. I can dedicate 30 years of hard work to provide for my future generations and be very satisfied


what s stupid times we live in.
I stumbled upon a military grave yesterday (we have plenty of WWI graves in Scotland) with the inscription "His last words were: I'm glad I did my part". Let that sink in.


The advice i would like to give is try to find what you enjoy doing and do it and get to really know yourself. Live life for yourself and what matters to you. .😊


I work in hospice, and not once have I heard anyone say anything about what this guy has said. I have been with dozens of people on their last days.
They do tell their children and friends they love them, but 95% are not this philosophical. Pain, medication, disease, and not quite comprehending that it's the end plays a role.
My #1 takeaway from the dying is that most people dont understand the dying process. For me, as a hospice worker, I see death as coming as a HUGE surprise to the dying and the family members.
Our society as a whole does not have the capacity to hold space for the dying and grieving. Our communities and culture don't have the capacity. That is my takeaway, not what this guy is saying. However, all of the points he makes are very important for all of us to consider while we are healthy and alive.


I love this. I talk about this all the time at work and the guys are like yeah, yeah, yeah


Never hesitate do whats so so important
Have as little regrets as you can if possible be happy godbless


This is why I make sure every day that when that day comes I will have 0 regrets! Because I will NOT be the one saying I wish I had done this and this. Pick your choices now and have no regrets. LIVE!


What most people *should* be saying is “I wish I’d saved/imvested more.” Dying old and broke is no picnic, for you or your family.
