Docking in High Winds with Gusts

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I love how positive your videos are. So many folks are posting to make fun of people.


I give this captain credit. He did not panic and took his time evaluating and then making the proper adjustments. Nice job!


This captain was very experienced. Didn't flip out, get scared and there was no shouting. He was patience, re-evaluated his options and got her in there. Great job to this Captain!


I love how on every single docking video on YouTube there is so many people saying they could do better. Bunch of keyboard captains with no experience in similar sized vessels. The guy did fine, no damage to his or any boats, stayed calm, took his time.


It doesn't matter how many attempts it takes, as long as you get the job done safely. I like how he changed his approach and used the wind to help him.


If you didn't get anxiety watching this, you've never docked a big boat in a breeze! Good job, at the end of the day the boat is in with no damage, job well done.


Great job! Toughest thing in docking is win blowing against your target. A true pro is never ashamed to bring her around as many times as it takes to put her in the slip right.


Great Job! He started with his bow upwind twice but the momentum in addition to the strong wind blowing from his starboard increased the turn speed and drift. He played it absolutely right by turning around his bow down wind and swinging his bow into the wind along with the boat momentum.


Wow, I like how he remained cool & calm then adjusted accordingly.


Excellent Job . Anyone who would say different, never docked a boat in windy conditions .


That wind looked strong. His docking was impressive.


I tip my hat to that man. Really smooth confident captain.


Nice job to that captain. No bow thruster or stern thruster. Just old school patience and calmness. That’s how it’s done


He did a great job. Wind was probably steady 10 knots with 15 knot gusts occurring sporadically. Even though he didn't have the knowledge to read the wind and go astern into it the first time he demonstrated two skills that are far more important.

The first was being patient and assessing his approach style and deciding to retry the berthing.

The second skill was that he didn't panic and start fighting the wind using too much throttle.

I think a lot of the criticism from people is related to to the words 'high wind' in the video title. I personally wouldn't call the conditions in the video 'high wind'. This was enough wind to make it a challenge but not completely unmanageable to a recreational skipper.

The most wind I've ever had to deal with while berthing was 45 knots and it was an absolute nightmare. All the experience in the world can't save you when you get a big gust at the worst possible time, you just have to plan ahead for it. I have a video of it somewhere I will upload. Vessel was a 22 metre twin screw 168 passenger charter boat. I just got it as close as I could to the berth and let the wind blow me the remaining 6 or 7 feet onto the berth.

It hit the timber bollards with just enough force to shake the glasses in the galley but nothing fell over.

Berthing vessels is an art and even experienced commercial skippers get caught out sometimes.

If this guy was a student of mine I would be proud of his patience and cool composure.


He did everything right. It's not a shame to interrupt a maneuver when you get aware it's going wrong. The biggest mistake is to try to enforce something. So well done 👏


Very nice work he had his hands full with the conditions and size of the vessel


I drive a ferry and I dock about 4500 times a year but then I don't have to dock like that. Well done.


Always fun to read comments when people are criticizing others abilities. I've used Poles, docks, birds and whatever else was available on windy days to get the boat in safely and without damage to others.


Rather bounce off a pole and someone's bow pulpit!!  Outstanding job by that captain remaining calm in some stiff breezes while docking.  We've all been there.


Hes better than most. Piles are to there to mark the pen and protect the other boats and tie up on as required. Bouncing off the pole well they don't all move. Great vid bro
