What Bundles SHOULD You Buy in Wizard101??

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Hello everyone, this is my opinion on all the bundles listed on the Wizard101 website right now since most of them are back for a limited time. If you have any questions ask them in the comments or join my discord! And as always If you liked this video and want more like it, please consider subscribing and leaving a comment about your day! Thank you!
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Excellent takes! I agree with all of-

"Majestic Bundle is only okay"


13:14 Did NOT expect to see Boar get doxxed like that XD


The jewel one is usually what I see as being recommended, the mine and the mount as well as the outfit are all pretty decent


The accursed play gauntlet actually drops pigsie tcs for people who want to craft it, although farming for its spellement can easily outweigh crafting it.


"But it does come with a Dyvim house guest must buy" i've never heard a more based take


Hey man, the Majestic Bundle lance is a cool stitch (the Majestic bundle has a cool dragon mount too), other than that, I agree with you it's not a must buy, but very cool castle.


Before even watching the video I want to shoutout the Blacksmiths Fjord Bundle. An absolute GEM of a house, a super unique mount, trash looking gear, but an INSANE wand stitch that goes great with a Fire Wizard, the pet is also interesting but not great. My most favorite is probably the Battlemage Tower bundle. All across the board this bundle is just 10/10 great looking gear that I still stitch to this day, an amazing looking wand, very useful mount with a damage bonus and it looks cool too, the pet is awesome, the house is in my opinion the best house in the game. These 2 bundles should be a must buy if you’re a serious Wiz gamer.


Thank you for making this it helps out a lot


As someone who bought the Undersea enchantment bundle, I’m here to argue in its defense as it actually holds up to the Spooky Carnival Robe. A more defensive alternative? Sure. But OoOoohhh only 1% less outgoing.
Trust me, as a Life that’s nothing really big, the resist I can kinda understand, but the -25% incoming for 6 whole rounds is really insane. Tbh it’s saved my runs more times than I can count.
If you can’t get your hands on the Carnival robe, in my honest opinion, go for this one. It’s great. And if you don’t believe me, just look up the stats and compare for yourself.


You’ve really stepped up your editing 👍 nice


05:12 have to correct you about midnight sun pagoda-it drops the best ice tc for pvp for 50&60-tamauji


Can't believe you ranked the epic bundle that low with it giving the warlord look and the ability to fish the warlord robes from the house


I bought mirage raiders bundle just for the wand stitch and the fantastic fairytale for the crown stitch 😂 $80 just to look cool for a stitch (I’ve lost sanity)


i've been waiting for video of this kind for long


When I was a little kid I got the worst bundles lol. I got the Hawkrider one and pagoda bundle 😭


The water bundle has a wand no one talks about the wand is may cast tempest, capping at 500 ish damage and it doesnt take the pips when casted with may cast.
I do find it interesting you rate a bundle based on its items going onto the throw back but ignore the house has faily free items.


Brother you gotta learn the difference between the words "objective" and "subjective" lol. If you're making decisions and/or telling others to make their choices based on what they like, that's subjective. The video is still really useful as you explain what's in each bundle with some extra detail but ultimately this entire thing is subjective. You're intentions are good as you seem to want people to make the best possible decision with their money but any way you cut it, we're all still watching a tierlist video based on what you THINK is the best value. It won't change to being "objective" if other people agree with it because there will ALWAYS be others that place higher and lower value amongst everything.

PS: I actually agree with where you put most bundles with the biggest exception being the Hawkrider bundle literally because I think the gear looks pretty cool. Thus I WOULD buy it so I can get the gear. See what I mean?


I bought Even creepier carnival bundle for my Death wiz and i'm loving it!
I paid it like 38 Euro, that was with 2 Euro subscription for deluxe spellement monthly packs
I think it was great investment for me. ☺😄



"but it does come with a dyvim house guest so...must buy"


The blacksmith bundle was great because you can farm amber there.


they should buff bundle gear to be comparable the best farmable gear, and they should add more amulets that add particle effects to your character!
