ASP.NET vs PHP7 in 2018

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If you are building web apps with, you will be using C#. With PHP, you will be using PHP!

... With Laravel probably.


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I tried both but, I prefer because its more organized.


Both are good for different reasons. Learning C# could benefit you in terms of developing skill.


It was very useful for me as I've been always working in PHP only and knew nothing about other solutions. Now I see that I was lucky with my choice. Thank you


Definitely been asking this question lately. I’ve been working with PHP for awhile now and I’ve even built my own MVC frameworks in php. Looking at my local market share. seems to be a good choice. Thanks for the advice Stefan. Very helpful.


I'm always stating that learn at least 2 languages (and that is a bare minimum), ie. C# (and / or PHP), JS etc. I've started with C / C++, then had a lot of fun with PHP during my BSc studies but before starting my MSc I've just wanted to become a better programmer, to see through the abstractions better. When it comes to something like this imho a language like Java or C# is just much better because it is much more explicit thanks to the static type system. It forces you to think about the underlyings.
When it comes to the business side of things go with whatever you like and with which you can get a job. I myself am working as a C# / .NET developer but still must use JavaScript / TypeScript for front - end somtimes. I choose this stack because I think that C# is just a beautiful modern language and it is a breeze to work with it. PHP and Java will always have a special place in my heart though :)


hi, the big cliff on the was probably because of the entrance of Asp.Core that is not taken into account n this site.


I've been saying the exact thing: for backend it always was either php or .net


THANK YOU! I was about to start a project in php when I already basically have it done in C# === use


I learned programming using C, it took me 4 months to master it (i had other courses in university, calc, algebra, etc) but after that, every programming language was easy to learn... c# was easy, c++ was also easy, python looks like something the village idiot would say compared to c


I'm a .Net developper. I am looking to learn PHP because the enterprise I work for have it's products built in PHP with wordpress(theses are massive projects). The feeling I have about PHP is that the code is messy and unorganized. I had to dive in the code a few time to help PHP developpers to resolve complex issues (such as optimisations, few bugfix). When I looked in the code I found it was really kinda free for all. I found it hard to know where the code I was looking for was (maybe it is just because I am new in PHP). I felt like there was no general guidance on how to do things in PHP (multiple programmers have worked on this code and that shows...). Plus we have several performance issues with our site on different levels, the code itselfs execute fast but we have kind of a lag between the time the request is sent to the server and the moment it hits the actual code. We are stuck in php 5.x (can't remember right now) because we can't update wordpress due to some programmer that had make change to it. Is this something general in PHP solutions or is it just a lack of preffesionalism of my previous collegues ? If you compare to .Net where I tend to split my project by class libraries (1 for the DAL, 1 for my Models, 1 for my services/controller) it feels much organized. I feel like a php programmer would look into one of my solutions and could easily find the piece of code he is looking for. But I might be wrong ?

Theses are feelings. I don't pretend to have the truth. English is not my native language so please forgive my mistakes.


I know. Net and PHP. My practise tells me that php is better cause I can do the same quicker.... Net is also slower at all.


Azure (expensive) vs other hosting services (cheap). Why would I choose Azure?


As of now (09.2018) the numbers on this site are looking ridiculously different (2.6M vs 7.8M). Funny thing is, I don't see anything else that fills the gaps.


i'm looking at jobs around where i'll be moving and it seems jobs pay much better. Also, cant find too many php jobs.


The by SimilarTech published number of .NET sites says nothing because companies like e.g. GoDaddy create there default homepages for newly created domains in .NET. Therefore these 17 million figure contains many, many millions of dead websites (parked domains).


How to solve asp. Net run so slow compare to php


but with C# i can do mobile, windows and web applications X)


I really love PHP but no matter how I try to code it to make it cleaner it just hard. And Even with Laravel its hard but the core problem is that its just not as clean as .net. I came from c# and really want to learn PHP. I still practice do and Find a way how to make it cleaner as I right c# code. Since they are OOP, but in PHP i just can't I need more practice.
I just don't want to try because probably I'd spend more in the future since its not free.


want to go into the enterprise world with 6 figure salary ... then this is no question at all, choose ASP.NET .
No one is paying for PHP devs these days unless you are self-employed with stable clients.


I would like to see a comparison between Wordpress and Laravel.
