Can a pregnant mother give infection to the baby? - Dr. Daksha M Bakre

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Viral and bacterial infections are common in all people but pregnancy can make certain inspections most severe. Some infections like urinary infections and East infections are a lor more common during pregnancy. Having said that you may find it reassuring to know that most babies on not harmed when a mother aaquires an infection. If you were having any active infections please see your doctor immediately and have it treated property, so that it does not affect your baby. Certian viral infections do have a tendency to cause birth defects in the baby, such infections include hapatitis B, HIV toxoplasmosis,, cytomegalovirus, rubella and chickenpox. There are simple ways of preventing infections during pregnancy the include regular hand washing with soap and water before cooking meals and after using the restroom, please do not clean your cat litter while you arepregnant, also you should use the restroom lot more frequently, do not hold your bladder for a very long time this leads to urinary infection, also undergarments twice daily, maintain good local hygiene, do not consume uncooked and non vegetarian food, do not use raw dairy products, do not share utensils with other people, please keep your nails short and clean.
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