Lumbo Pelvic Hip Dissociation | Victory Performance and Physical Therapy
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The estimated cost of low back pain in the United States is $100 billion a year! People spend so much time tuned into their screens and stuck in chairs that they have become out of tune with their own bodies. This is manifested in limited mobility, decreased strength and most importantly, poor quality in movement.
One of the things we frequently see in low back patients is their inability to dissociate their femurs and pelvis. We see this most frequently in a squat, or going from standing to sitting, but this manifests in so many daily tasks, like picking something up from the ground or putting groceries in the trunk of your car.
The ideal movement pattern we hope to see at the trunk is the pelvis tilting forward and the spine moving with it. The lumbar spine/low back, should not bend or round at all. For this to happen, the femurs need to be able to move independently from the pelvis.
This is not an easy thing to teach people or to learn. Countless therapists and personal trainers around the world bang their heads into the wall trying to correct people’s squat mechanics, only to give up and hope their clients aren’t working with them when their backs go out:(
We have found a pretty fool proof combination of motor control exercises to make proper squat mechanics stick. We love these 2 drills in combination because they build upon each other, can be modified as necessary, and because they work! The first drill teaches people how to move their pelvis on their femurs. This is the easier of the drills. Once successful with this, move on to the the second drill which teaches movement of the femurs on the pelvis. This is a little tricker, but is more similar to what happens with a squat. The initial drills give you 6 points of contact (feet, knees, hands). The progression on the wall is 4 points of contact (feet and hands), and eventually you move to your squat with only 2 points of contact (feet).
**Remember to check hip flexion range of motion first so that you know how far you can expect to be able to rock back before the pelvis starts to dip.
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Victory Performance and Physical Therapy is passionate about helping people move better. Whether you are trying to kick higher, lift heavier, or play with your grandchildren longer, we will use the most up to date research and training protocols to get you there in the shortest amount of time. Subscribe to our channel for fitness tips, tricks, fact checking, myth busting and workouts.
One of the things we frequently see in low back patients is their inability to dissociate their femurs and pelvis. We see this most frequently in a squat, or going from standing to sitting, but this manifests in so many daily tasks, like picking something up from the ground or putting groceries in the trunk of your car.
The ideal movement pattern we hope to see at the trunk is the pelvis tilting forward and the spine moving with it. The lumbar spine/low back, should not bend or round at all. For this to happen, the femurs need to be able to move independently from the pelvis.
This is not an easy thing to teach people or to learn. Countless therapists and personal trainers around the world bang their heads into the wall trying to correct people’s squat mechanics, only to give up and hope their clients aren’t working with them when their backs go out:(
We have found a pretty fool proof combination of motor control exercises to make proper squat mechanics stick. We love these 2 drills in combination because they build upon each other, can be modified as necessary, and because they work! The first drill teaches people how to move their pelvis on their femurs. This is the easier of the drills. Once successful with this, move on to the the second drill which teaches movement of the femurs on the pelvis. This is a little tricker, but is more similar to what happens with a squat. The initial drills give you 6 points of contact (feet, knees, hands). The progression on the wall is 4 points of contact (feet and hands), and eventually you move to your squat with only 2 points of contact (feet).
**Remember to check hip flexion range of motion first so that you know how far you can expect to be able to rock back before the pelvis starts to dip.
Look at our other video here:
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About us:
Victory Performance and Physical Therapy is passionate about helping people move better. Whether you are trying to kick higher, lift heavier, or play with your grandchildren longer, we will use the most up to date research and training protocols to get you there in the shortest amount of time. Subscribe to our channel for fitness tips, tricks, fact checking, myth busting and workouts.