Ansible - Your complete guide to Ansible

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This is video 1 of 10 for the Ansible 2020 course. This course is completely free and includes labs that you can follow along with.

Play at 1.25 speed if I talk too slow!

0:00 Intro
0:28 What is Ansible
1:10 Other Configuration Management Tools
1:49 Lab Topology
2:37 Inventory and Playbook files

Lab Setup:
4:00 How to clone the lab files to your own computer
5:31 Vagrant File
6:28 Bringing up the Lab Virtual Machines

Ansible - Installation and initial Setup
8:08 - How to Install Ansible
8:55 - Running your first ansible commands
9:47 - Creating your first inventory file
12:30 - Running Ansible command to multiple servers
13:17 - Setup SSH
15:23 - Setup python-simplejson module for full ansible functionality on the clients

#code #dev #tutorial #vagrant
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You are a REAL MASTER! What I like the most about your videos is you get straight to the point. Thank you so much!


Pretty awesome. I did not watch the vagrant part before. Need to do that now. Enjoying the content very much. Please keep providing the labs. This is very much interesting. Thank you very very much for your efforts.


Finally finished the first tuturial, for the past couple days I faced a couple issues. Excited for the ones to come. I have the m2 chip with VMware vms. 
The first issue when building the vms the boxes I used were not compatible with my set up, it seemed that there were issues inserting the host names. I understood this and tried other boxes but the issue was that vagrant uses the boxes previously built, so I had to destroy the premade boxes. 
Alpine ran without errors, but this raised another issue with not being able to find the correct interpreter. After trying to pass environment variables through many ways Anisble provisioning and shell provisioning. I assumed python was installed on all vms since python was installed on the ansible-control. It wasn't though, after sshing into the others I figured I needed to provision with installing python3.
It is extremely annoying seeing the red text but you can find the solution with effort, trust me it is worth it


This is great content. Appreciate the bookmarks and shortcuts.


Awesome stuff sir! straight and simple explanation. Thank You!


Thank you so much, this is really good stuff. I watched your Vagrant series and it is really good stuff and very useful. With Virtualbox it really works so well. I have VMWare and I tried to set Vagrant work with it but was having trouble finding good insturction, crazy even not single how to in Youtube for that except one on how to setup Vagrant on VMWare MAC but not single one on how to setup Vagrant with VMWare Workstation for windows.


Great video. Great explaination. Thanks


can we seprated cpu and memory for single host in vagrantfile
if yes please share it how.


Can I get this straight?
On your windows machine you install Virtual Box and Vagrant
Then you initialize Vagrant, and run the two commands under "Start the virtual machine" and it creates an virtual machine in Virtual Box
And then you go thru this tutorial


While i try to setup lab i am getting an error message, while download the repo the url also changed, please let me know the lab setup


Hi I get "Connection refused, retrying" when doing vagrant up. Googled it but no help


sudo cp ansible-labs/hosts_file /etc/host --- returns /etc/hosts is not a directory

Did I miss a step somewhere?
