Abraxas: The Gnostic God Of Carl Jung | Alchemy of Psyche (3)

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Abraxas, the Gnostic God which Carl Jung explored, is a polymorphous world spirit that permeates the very fabric of existence and in this video, we’ll explore his qualities from various sides and approaches.

Abraxas is the Ruler of the First Heaven. He was a Gnostic God who owned dominion over the cycles of birth, death, and resurrection. Some saw him as the Egyptian Sun God accepted by the first Christian Gnostics while others’ saw him as a Demon, Archon, or Aeon.

Among the ancients, Abraxas was represented as a creature resembling a man with the body of a human being, head of a rooster, and legs made out of serpents that curved upwards.

Abraxas was an important figure in Carl Jung’s books - Seven Sermons of the Dead and The Red Book - where he represented the driving force of individuation that was referred with the figures for the driving forces of differentiation.

Carl Jung writes the following:
“Abraxas is …
a thousand-armed polyp, coiled knot of winged serpents …
the hermaphrodite of the earliest beginning …
the lord of toads and frogs, which live in the water …
abundance that seeketh union with emptiness.”

Some say that the word abracadabra originated from his name.

Abraxas explained, in accordance with man, in one sentence by Carl G. Jung sounds like this: “In this world man is Abraxas, who gives birth to and devours his own world.”
#Abraxas #CarlJung #Gnosticism

~ The Red Book by Carl G. Jung
~ 7 sermons to the dead by Carl Jung
~ Holy Book of the Great Invisible Spirit
~ The Practice of Dream Healing: Bringing Ancient Greek Mysteries into Modern Medicine by Edward Tick

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Jung said: "“In this world man is Abraxas, who gives birth to and devours his own world.” What do you think about it?


The central error in all of these online "gnostic" presentations when dealing with Jung's understanding of Abraxas is the failure to grasp and accept the fact that for Jung Abraxas is not a salvational god for humans as is, for example, the god of Marcion and certain other ancient Gnostics. For Jung, Abraxas, the "highest" god to emerge from the Pleroma, cannot be a means of the salvation of the human individual. In facing Abraxas, the human can only be dissolved back into the everything/nothing where all distinctions are lost. In Vedic Brahmanism and Valentinian Gnosticism this dissolution is desirable and the only path that can be finally followed. But Jung rejected this path. Jung's entire body of work was aimed at the individuation process through deepening consciousness. For Jung, man must acknowledge the reality of Abraxas, but to face and worship Abraxas is self-destruction. For Jung, at the top/bottom is the Pleroma; then there is Abraxas which contains all opposites as effect but without distinction; then there is the distinction of Sun-God/Darkness-Devil duality; then there is the measureless multitude of lesser gods and non-human entities as ethereal and chthonic forces; then there is man whose only way to salvation as human distinction is following the Star of consciousness. For Jung there is no known God of human salvation. The only human salvation lies in the continually deepening gateway of consciousness. For most humans this path is too frightening and demanding. Even Jung himself grew faint-hearted, though not defeated, in his last years. Jung said, "Man is hopelessly unconscious." There is not a single ancient Gnostic teacher known to us who taught what Jung taught in the Seven Sermons To the Dead. I challenge anyone to demonstrate otherwise.


...I panicked and read on, my
heart contracted in cold fear before my fate. "The bird
is struggling out of the egg, " it read. "The egg is the
world. Whoever wants to be born must first destroy a
world. The bird is flying to God. The name of the God
is called Abraxas."
....The link then grew closer and more intimate, and I began to feel that in this dream of longing
I was invoking Abraxas himself. ....
...Abraxas has nothing to object to in any of vour thoughts
or any of your dreams. Always remember that. But once
you become faultless and normal he abandons you in
favour of a new vessel into which he can pour his
thoughts." ....
Demian by Hermann Hesse


This is one of the best videos I’ve seen on Abraxas .


I have to watch this a few more times to even grasp it! I have never once heard a single word of this ever...It was very well done! Thanks for sharing the benefits of your efforts to learn.


I'm a knights templar, mason and gnostic deist who can already say I love your infinite fractals and your way of speaking about abraxas. I love this.


The Catholic church later deemed Abraxas a pagan god, and ultimately branded him a demon as documented in J. Collin de Plancy's Infernal Dictionary, Abraxas (or Abracax) is labeled the "supreme God" of the Basilidians, whom he describes as "heretics of the second century".


Great English!! Bravo! Very good audio


Once again you amazed me. You really put a lot of effort into your videos. I hope your channel grows for more people to dive into the waters of the Unconscious.


The name, the seven letters, made me think of the Lamb of the Book of Revelation, who has seven eyes, seven horns, and "the seven spirits of God." Seven archangels recur in system after system - seven spirits, seven letters? There are seven continents, seven seas, seven days, etc...


Well done.Keep up the quality content.


This is very interesting! I never knew although somehow I feel I’ve learn this before. I also love Carl Jung so I’m definitely checking that book out, hopefully it won’t go much for me haha
Thanks and salute to you 🙌🏼🕊


Next time I watch this ill take a shot for every time Abraxas is mention


Abraxas sounds like a Titan, beneath God but above everyone else


... Mi estrella doble real, hoy vi en un camión una imagen parecida a la de Abraxas, con cabeza de gallo y arriba escrito: Kronos... Y el número 3. Y ahora una cosa me llevó a otra y mira 😲
Por la tarde fui al cumpleaños de un amigo, me divertí mucho, casi todas eran personas mayores y había que ver cómo bailaban 😆 yo también bailé 😋 Llovió cantidad, llegué con los pies empapados a la casa. Y vi caer también algunos truenos que creaban colores simultáneamente en el cielo. Genial. Dulce sueños, mi amor. Te amo, te beso, te acaricio, te abrazo, te amo! 🎼🔥🌀


Great content! You have earned a new subscriber and hope many more will follow, you deserve it! :)


straight gnosis. god bless you sir, thank you :)


I used to hold Carl Jung on a higher regard before watching this. I should, however, have noticed such a disposition from him...


One big change, it's not the Rooster who brings in the dawn these morning's but the seagull squealing . This is happening all over Europe.


...2 rings hardend in a stove seperated on 6 tables 2 rows . Presivi what are the rings alchamay?
