Do I Need A Sponsor In AA?

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For nearly a century, people have been helping others go through the AA process. Known as sponsors, these unpaid volunteers have worked miracles for people recovering from alcoholism.
The Edge Treatment Center isn’t a 12-step organization, but we firmly believe in helping people find their own path to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Many of our team members and clients can testify to the changes AA and other 12-step groups have helped work in their lives. If you want to learn more about The Edge Treatment Center, AA, and the evidence-based methods we use to free people from substance abuse, reach out to us today at 844-991-1772.
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The Edge Treatment Center isn’t a 12-step organization, but we firmly believe in helping people find their own path to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. Many of our team members and clients can testify to the changes AA and other 12-step groups have helped work in their lives. If you want to learn more about The Edge Treatment Center, AA, and the evidence-based methods we use to free people from substance abuse, reach out to us today at 844-991-1772.
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