How Far is Too Far Before Marriage?

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When it comes to relationships before marriage, if you’re asking the question “How far is too far?”, you're asking the wrong question.

Try taking a different approach to the matter by asking, “How can I help this person get to heaven?”

Jackie explains that the person you are dating may be someone else’s future spouse, or may become a priest or nun, and they’re definitely someone’s son or daughter. Selflessness is essential to wholesome relationships, and that includes relationships before marriage. We don’t want to lead someone into sin; we want to lead them to heaven.

Jackie also gives some practical guidelines to help us differentiate between affection and arousal, saying that if you wouldn’t do it in front of your grandma or the pope, just don’t do it at all.



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As a man who struggled with lust, once I found my faith I instantly turned away from my old ways on how I viewed sex. I told my gf that I cannot have sex anymore because she is too important to me. So we’re waiting till marriage. I’ve never felt more free and happy. Praise God.


She right. I have many regrets. Your body is sacred and love it and protect it. Guard yourself from being used and teach people to respect you.


i started to cry in the middle of the video, because i realized that people with pure intentions still exists, and i gives me hope


-"Anything you do to my daughter, I will do to you"
-hugs daughter
-father hugs me to prove he wasn't joking
-group hug


Wow this really helped my 15 year old self .✝️


our present day culture needs to hear this truly :')


Why does nobody talk about this like THIS? So well put, so easy to understand. I wish I had heard this advice when my husband and I were dating, it just makes the lines so clear and simple. Filing this away for when our son (and any future children we may have) need to hear it. God bless you!!


Imagine how strong your love will be for each other if you actually reserve sex for marriage and strengthen your bond through getting to know each other in and out.


How is no one else going nuts about that analogy? "If you could do it in front of your grandmother or Pope Francis, you're good!" That's gold!


I totally agree with all of your thoughts here. I am 26 at present and up until now patiently waiting for the God-given man for me while honoring my body. Others call it as old fashioned or traditional, but I don't mind being labeled this way. Ladies out there like me, indeed true love waits. The moment they ask you to have pre-marital sex, that signals you have to leave the relationship. Let's keep being well- reserved and live a chaste life holistically.


This is the first time to meet a woman (beautiful woman) so open and sincere about her temptations, her feelings, emotions and even sinfulness. It helps us men to understand how women think too and their own struggles. I know my sin, it is always before me from the past but we need to know how to "change" and become like a child so we can enter the Kingdom of God already here on earth. Thanks for bringing up Holiness, and that each meeting is a chance to come closer to Jesus Christ (and be Sanctified) or to go away from Christ and into our selfish desires of the flesh. Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.... Personally recommend the Holy Rosary, was set-free from many bad and sinful habits. Especially the Scriptural Rosary!!! Help us Blessed Mother Mary to be pure of heart and more and more like you and your Son Jesus Christ.


I like that, "give them a name" :) good tips. :)


I've unfortunately lived my life as lukewarm and lazy. I wish that in 8 years of Catholic grade school and a lifetime of Masses someone would have had the guts to teach right from wrong. There were glimmers of Truth but no one wanted to lay out the explicit do's and don'ts. Thank you!


I really needed this reminder, I’ve found the girl who I hope to be my future wife and I sure don’t want to do anything to derail our state of grace together. One of the greatest joys in dating this wonderful girl is that special holy feeling of truly bonding in faith! God bless you Jackie!


This was so well presented, thank you for expressing yourself so plainly, openly and honestly. A must share with my friends who have teens, and young adults. (My family included.) God bless you.


Its sad that i can 'like' this video only once. Its very well explained and I will surely share this with my kids.


Aw thank you for this video. Dating has been on my mind a lot recently and it makes me a bit anxious thinking about it, because I've made so many mistakes in the past, and I've never dated "the right way". But these videos help me alot because if God is calling me to marriage, I want to do it in a way that pleases him❤


There is nothing wrong with saving that arousal
for put it nicely that special bond for marriage - it will be beautiful❣️
When you still get that fuzzy feeling when you see your spouse from a distance - you know you’re blessed😍


Truly am in awe of any couple that succeeds in forgoing even "passionate kissing" until their honeymoon night. Nothing but the deepest admiration if you and Bobby honored God so completely during your courtship. :)


I'm sorry some people didn't like this video because it's awesome. It's an excellent piece of advice for people who didn't know. But it also makes people like me, who have done everything wrong, reflect and consider how evil we have been especially because we KNEW it very well. I am paying the price of not listening to God. If I had tried to follow what God and the Church say about sexuality, I wouldn't be heart broken the way I am and suffering because I allowed others using me while I used them (even people I thought I was going to marry). This video is gold. I hope more people try to understand why this is so important and avoid not only sin by itself but its consequences. That's something that will return to you sooner or later. No matter how long you try to hide it, if you really want to follow God's path, your sins and their consequences will come to the surface when you wanted them the least. Only God's grace can help us.
Thanks a lot Jackie. God bless you, your family and your ministry.
