Therapist Answers 'Do You Cry in Session?' and 'Is Crying Good for You?'

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Sometimes I get asked “Do you cry in session? Do you cry with clients?”
And "Is crying good for you?"
The answer is "Yes, of course I do."
I am one of those people where there’s a direct connection from my emotions to my tear ducts.
I think I’m a highly sensitive person.
I cry easily.

I remember one time when I was in elementary school, we watched a movie about a girl and her horse. She loved the horse, and when the horse died, I sobbed so much that the teacher asked me if I was okay.

And that scene in I Am Legend when the dog dies, I ugly cried, snot and all in the theater. I pretty much hate books and movies with animals because they always die and that makes me sob - like whose idea is it to make kids read Where the Red Fern Grows and Old Yeller and all the other books where the dog dies?

I’m so good at crying that I even got an award for it at work once. We were having a special naming ceremony and my boss honored me with the name “Weeping heart seeker.”

Therapy in a Nutshell and the information provided by Emma McAdam are solely intended for informational and entertainment purposes and are not a substitute for advice, diagnosis, or treatment regarding medical or mental health conditions. Although Emma McAdam is a licensed marriage and family therapist, the views expressed on this site or any related content should not be taken for medical or psychiatric advice. Always consult your physician before making any decisions related to your physical or mental health.
In therapy I use a combination of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Systems Theory, positive psychology, and a bio-psycho-social approach to treating mental illness and other challenges we all face in life. The ideas from my videos are frequently adapted from multiple sources. Many of them come from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, especially the work of Steven Hayes, Jason Luoma, and Russ Harris. The sections on stress and the mind-body connection derive from the work of Stephen Porges (the Polyvagal theory), Peter Levine (Somatic Experiencing) Francine Shapiro (EMDR), and Bessel Van Der Kolk. I also rely heavily on the work of the Arbinger institute for my overall understanding of our ability to choose our life's direction.

Copyright Therapy in a Nutshell, LLC
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I have worked with many therapists. The first time I saw a therapist cry was a male therapist who I hadn't felt was really even listening or was truly in the same room. it took me aback and I realized that my perceptions of others caring about my stuff were somehow skewed. It was a real growth period for me. So my answer would be yes I would prefer a therapist to respond in that most authentic physical evidence of empathy.


I remember the first time my current therapist cried while in session with me and I at first didn’t know what to do but once I got over the transference I was starting to experience, I then I felt so understood and not alone. It’s something I now value so much when he not only holds space for authentic emotion for me but he showcases that.


I have never had a therapist cry with me in session. I think there is a perception (wrongly) that it is unprofessional. I admire your authenticity.


I think crying is one way to release the tension we hold onto. The body needs to release stress in some form or fashion. Crying is one of those ways & I always feel better afterwards.
Thank you for sharing your experience.


Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15. My biblical counselor weeps with me and it has always struck deeper into my healing when she connects with my pain on such an intimate level. I feel understood in way I didn't expect. That acknowledgement, and sharing in my suffering through empathy, has always left me feeling less alone and lighter of heart. I also feel the genuine love of a fellow sister in Christ in those raw moments. That tenderness and care offers so much comfort and an oasis in rough seas. 💛


Thanks for saying this. I've definitely cried in sessions with clients. I often tear up when I say something positive and extremely genuine to a client.


I think you are truly beautiful for being so open and it makes you even more helpful, kind, and healing :) hope this simple sincere comment fills you with a warm feeling and makes you smile :) goodnight starlight


Just heard on another channel that the narcissists consider showing love and all emotions as a weakness. And we are not them. So there is nothing to be shame of if you cry. It is a sign of healthy emotional reaction.

My grandfather was my war hero and he cried. That didn't change his "status" in my eyes. But it changed me. I understood that showing openly your emotions requires courage and is nothing to be shame of.


My therapist has teared up a few times and it makes me feel validated


I am an empath so i cry all the time when Pple tell me their stories, it can even be in text and i will be there crying with them (or maybe i am the only one crying how would i know lol). I cry easily even when sharing good news i will cry. My emotions have always made me feel very volatile but i have embraced them, good and uncomfortable. They are mine to process, mine to feel and if i feel other peoples emotions too and help them process their situation i feel great coz at least i have made one person's life better and easier.


Laughing out loud with tears of joy here! Tears come to my eyes when I am in session with my clients too :) It's natural and I hope it allows them to feel it's perfectly fine and beneficial to cry. I learned this was okay when my own therapist's eyes would tear up; I felt immensely cared about, like I mattered. And that was an important part of my healing.


I needed to hear this so bad! The reason I went to therapy in the first place was because I felt like I cried too much.. and I came out of therapy discovering a whole lot more about myself but I didn't cry any less than before, I just changed how I felt about it!


There's a lot of human tragedy to cry about.


My therapist never cried in any sessions even when I cried xD so I was really wondering if any therapist cried during sessions. Its so nice to hear your experience 🌿


I really appreciate your honesty! I think with emotions it's a very good idea to neither cling too hard nor resist too much, but instead let them flow, that way it's like what you said where you can bounce between them naturally.


I just need to write it :). I think it's amazing what example you show to your clients. And that you tell them that this is how you process and that it is fine. I think it can tremendously help people who have problems with their emotions. For me, seeing therapists etc. embodying what they teach is the most helping and healing thing. And the fact that you accept yourself fully this way is the best example and support you can give. Thank you :)


I love your videos and refer my client’s to them. I’m a trauma/attachment therapist and cry as well in sessions, and my client tell me that that made a big difference in allowing/modeling for them the ability to connect with self through all data points, including our emotions. Keep making this great content :)


I LOVE this whole video! It is a pretty rare thing to find someone who is willing to be real. To be an example as well as teach healthy emotional expression in a safe space. I am thankful that I found you on YouTube! What a blessing you are to all of us. Thank you!!


Wow such great advice!!! Great to know that me being an emotional person is not a sign of weakness but instead a complete opposite. Thank you for all ur informative videos . Thank you for choosing a work field to help ur fellow next man!! ❤️🙏🏼


I used to bury my emotions. Now when I feel the tears I let them flow no matter where I am. Stuffing your emotions only builds the pain.
