Could US military successfully invade Iran?

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This video explores the options of US military might against Iran. Not just the aerial campaign but a full scale ground invasion. A US led coalition of countries is modeled, but video also goes into the option of US going solo, if needed.

Music by Matija Malatestinic

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yes, the majority of Iranian people dislike the government but a war like this would unite the people against a common enemy and solidify the governments control just like the war in the 80s against Iraq.


Never have i revisited a video so quick before than now when i learned that USA bombed an Iranian General.


This comment section is frightening. A bunch of armchair military experts and nationalists from all side spewing ignorant nonsense.

The best outcome for everyone is not fight a war.


As an Iranian guy I must say "I hope that day will never come"


Iran has the perfect terrain to fight a defensive peoples guerilla war. You literally could not ask for better defensive terrain. Wadis, swamp, narrow mountain passes, huge engaged population, long standing plans for repelling just such an invasion, thousands upon thousands of small MANPADS, MANPATS and AShM... The main goal of Iran's military doctrine is to defend the regime and make America's war with Iran as expensive as possible. Iran is going to lose in a full confrontation with the US so it's going to pull an even worse VietCong strategy and make the US waste as much resources as possible. Just look at what hezbollah did to Israel and the Houthis to the Saudis. IEDs, ATGM strikes, daily ambushes, MANPADS shooting down helicopters. Iran would slowly bleed out US forces on the ground. We are talking about 300-500 casualties a day. Not to mention the urban warfare nightmare fighting in Isfahan, Tehran, Mashad, Karaj, Shiraz, Qom, Tabriz. It would make the battle of Fallujah look like sunday morning pick up game. China and Russia could get involved. They would send Iran more manpads, ATGMS, claymore mines etc to aid in the guerilla war effort through the Caspian Sea and Pakistan. Anyone who thinks a US invasion of Iran would be a cake walk is delusional. We are talking about 10-20k US casualties in the first two months of fighting. It would end US primacy and prestige.


Iraq was a tutorial level compared to Iran.


Iran could use its ballistic missiles to target gulf state cities and oil production infrastructure. It couldn't win a war, but the price of victory could be made so high, it would make victory taste very bitter, especially for gulf state US allies.


I am Canadian, Iran is not a country that anyone looks at with disgust! The Iranian people may hate their own government, but this is not a reason for foreign countries to invade their homeland. Having advanced weapons does not always guarantee you victory.
If the United States or Israel start a war with Iran, Persians will end it
You are not only fighting an Iranian army, but also 80 million Iranians with love for their homeland So do not underestimate this country
I hope the wise people want peace. War is not a good way to show your power


Basra in the Southern part of Iraq is a strong hold of Shia Muslims. A US invasion launched from Wahhabi Saudi Arabia against the Shia regime in Iran will have difficult time passing Basra on their way to Iran


i feel sorry for this channel due to it having one of the worst youtube comment sections i have ever seen.


We all know why we're watching this


iran and iraq war went on for a year while the US took iraq for only 5 days.


I believe the Iranians moral would be fairly high, this would likely be due to their very long and natural history. Unlike the rest of the Middle East following World War 1, Iran (persia) was not balkanized like the remnants of the Ottoman empire. The reason Iraq's troops would occasionally surrender without a fight is because they were not of the same ethnicity or religious sect.

Iran on the other hand is composed of mostly ethnic Iranians who, for the most part, share the same branch of religion and support for thier secular government. So a prediction of years of bloody and fierce fighting on both sides would be accurate.


With 70% of US youth unfit, how will the US raise an army of 8 million, necessary to occupy a nation of 80 million?


Before the US invades Iran it will first have to fight all the battles in this comment section


Oh boy, we are about to see just how good this assessment was


"Could US Invade Iran?"
2020: Let's wait and see


Didn't retired US Marine General Paul Van Riper beat the US in a war game with a simulated Iranian force? So much fighting about politics and ideologies in the comments, but nothing about battle tactics


Binkov's comment section is always so full of salt and poorly-written comments. It's just a military strategy video, he always spends time saying he's not taking the reasonability or world consequences of the war he's looking at into account.


If the US can't even beat the Taliban, I'd say Iran is out of the question.
