4 Reasons Why Guppies Die

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I have been doing a lot of research and testing on live bearers including hybrid endler guppies to strengthen their DNA I now have 4th generation of guppies living up to 3 years with added supplements


Super thankful for your information. I've been having trouble keeping common guppy's alive.


Main reason is guppies can give birth every 28 days meaning they become calcium deficient and should have a supplement given


I tried crossbreeding my wild guppies that I caught to my guppies and become successful with it. And I really notice that the F1 fry are really more hardy than the normal domesticated ones. I was surprised tho. They are indeed inbreed so much that it takes their hardiness too.


When my giant danio got dropsy, I gave it several salt baths, but the ultimate factor was just time. Time in a tank where it wouldn't be bothered. It swam upside down for about 2 weeks, then slowly started getting back upright. He still has a little bit of a "limp", but I have him back in with his 9 brothers. Giant danios live considerably longer than guppies, but I thought that I'd share my experience in case it helps. Let the cripple swim around by himself in a hospital tank or fry box for a while before u give up on it. My danio was still accepting crushed flakes when he was upside down.


I love guppies and really enjoyed this video!! Thank you for posting an updated vid!


All my guppies have died. Most start acting crazy swimming very erratically, straight up and down, the others eyes swelled up and it died. Everything says oh swim bladder but it's not. Idk what is going on


Your videos are genuinely very informative!


This is the video ive been looking for. Thanks!


My fancy guppies all doing great in my 20 gallon. Started with 5 males and 5 females. Now, I got a ton of fry swimming around. I hardly do a water change. I got plenty of plants, 3 pieces of wood, lava rocks, sand, a Hillstream Loach and cherry shrimps (currently breeding). I figured, if the shrimps are breeding (had 2 failed attempts prior in their own tank), the water is good.


Love your enthusiasm and knowledge, agree the editing could be better, that said great outline..


Man u explained better than my local pet store guy


Hello! thank you so much for posting this video! I've in the fish hobby since November of 2019 so I'm fairly new. I first tried with betta fish and finally got the hang of handling those so I tried venturing out to guppies. I started off with 5 guppies and the last two just died this morning. My heart was broken! I was checking my water every day and didn't have any high levels of ammonia or nitrites and I made sure the water temperature was where it was supposed to be so I didn't know why they were just dying off. This video came up on my recommended page and I wish I had seen it earlier! I noticed my fish's poop was clear but I didn't think much of it, now I know they had an internal parasite and I'm so sad I wasn't able to catch it. I've already flushed all of the fish and I just finished a 100% water change to my tank but I'm scared the worms may still be in the tank. What would you recommend? Should I replace all of the gravel in the tank? Should I add the cleansers into the empty tank to kill whatever worms are left? I just want to prevent any further infection to the future fish I get. Thanks again for the video


Thanks so much. I recently bought guppies from pet store and now they’re dropping like flies. 🙄.


I love watching your fish big brother 🤩🤩 it so fun And feeling relaxing I hope I have guppy on my own


When my guppies died, i change my tank routine. Change water once a week, give them food once a day since im worried they might overfeeding, take care of my tank water level. But still they died 🙂 i guess maybe it just their time has coming and it happens to be when we already buy them 🙂 but the other types of fish still alive. Why only the guppies died 😫


I had a guppy 🐟 who died yesterday 😢 that is why I am here to watch this video to learn more about why guppies die


Thank you for this video. I've currently dealing with internal parasite for my guppies and i hope all parasites go away from my tank for good.


Nice video, I don't keep guppies but it was entertaining.


Levamisole does not kill worms it paralyses them so they pass out of the fish. You need to gravel vacuum them out and redose every week over 4 weeks
