Andrew Klavan's Leftese Dictionary: E is for Equality

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Andrew Klavan breaks down the Leftese translation of "equality" and how it's actually unfair to everyone.
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Sounding fair whilst making everything suck. Brilliant.


What Klavan described is exactly what leftists believe. According to my college sociology professor, equality of opportunity requires ensuring equality of outcome, because unequal outcomes result in unequal opportunity for the next generation. So, according to my professor, if America is truly dedicated to equality of opportunity, then the government must be charged with the responsibility of ensuring equality of outcomes in the lives of every citizen. My Marxist/Feminist history professor explained this concept by using the example of a welfare state with a 100% inheritance tax. In this example country, I can earn as much money as I want and attain the greatest possible heights in all my endeavours, and, when I die, the government will confiscate all of my worldly goods and redistribute them in order to ensure equal outcomes, and thereby ensure equal opportunity. In this theoretical example, I will be happy about the government's theft because I know my children and grandchildren will be cared for by the welfare state, and will therefore not need to inherit my property. The fact that all of this theoretical theft violates my rights and those of my heirs never entered the minds of my professors. They had all the answers to every question, and if only they had absolute power, they could cure all the world's ills.


I demand that the NBA hire me and pay me as much as the rest of the players


"Sounding fair while you make everything suck." 😂 I love this series! He's trying not to laugh while explaining all this leftist idiocracy. It's sad, humorous, and wonderful!


When Liberty justifies discrimination it contradicts Equality. When Equality Justifies Restriction it contradicts Liberty. For everyone to Enjoy Freedom and Equality we must only be free to the point where we don't discriminate against one another, and equal to the point where we don't restrict one another.

But to be clear a world without Liberty or a world without Equality would both be terrible. The moderation of values is the only way to share them.


I'm 24 seconds in and the absence of the Oxford comma around 0:20 is eating me inside already. You're fantastic, Andrew and God bless you. Keep at it!


My god these are so good, I can't wait for the rest of the alphabet. Why they gotta be so far apart? D:


I heard the other day that the top rich 1% should be taxed at a much higher rate. Then what is the point of studying hard burning the midnight oil and striving to make money when all your deserved wealth gets redistributed to undeserving folks.


Aah my main man Klavan dropping somr knowledge truth bombs. Bless you & your awesome segments Mr. Klavan


Am I crazy or does the good everyday player look like Delly?
If that was the intent Klavan should know Matthew Dellavedova is the greatest basketball player of all time


Poor Drew just wanted to play basketball


I love it. This video makes me nostalgic for Klavan on the Culture. Well done.


It’s important to note here that he is talking about Equality of Outcome! Instead following leftists and enforcing equality of outcome, we shall aim for Equality of Opportunity, where everyone’s own effort and commitment will determine how successful they get. That IS fair!


I cant applaud this video enough. Well done sir, however, its amazing to me that you have to spell this out to people as if they are four year olds.A real sign of the times and leftism, feminism etc.


A bit off. If women are naturally better at something, or even if there is a myth that they are, then they can be rewarded for it. This is equality because Handmaid's Tale or something.


I saw this as a youtube ad. Nice video.


Yes! I agree that rather than stealing others’ outcome and benefits, it is more productive and powerful to develop and polish one’s talents and strength. Thank you, Andrew.


Klavan has come a long way in his stage presence since his Truth Revolt days. Well done, sir!


Oh no Klavan, you better go Copyright these Idea before Michael Knowles makes it into a book!


Equality of opportunity.

What you do with it results in this: Avid pot smoker who lives on pleasure island VS Bill Gates

Equality of outcome (the favorite of leftists).

No matter what happens results in: Avid pot smoker who lives on pleasure island, NOW also a professional welfare collector VS Bill Gates doing the same thing, but the government takes 99.5% rich tax on him, then redistributes the earnings of Bill Gates to the pot smoker and all others alike.

the pot smoker has achieved nothing except consuming marijuana and becoming dumber. Bill Gates invented technology that made computers possible. Computers like the one you are using right now.

Which one is more fair? Which one is Moral? I'll let you decide.
