75 SETTINGS and HOTKEYS you NEED in League of Legends

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0:00 - Introduction
1:30 - Video Settings
2:16 - Windows Settings
2:51 - Nvidia Settings
4:29 - League Folder Optimizations
5:27 - League Client Settings
5:47 - In-Game Video Settings
8:28 - Digital Vibrance
8:55 - Hotkeys
9:24 - Quick Casting
11:18 - Attack Moving
12:58 - Target Champions Only
14:09 - Stop Command
15:00 - F Key Cycling
15:57 - Area is Warded Ping
16:22 - Chat Hotkeys
17:16 - Movement Prediction
18:00 - Leveling Up Abilities
19:05 - Self Cast Abilities
19:31 - In-Game Settings
19:52 - Objective Planning Scale
20:19 - HUD Scale
20:39 - Minimap Scale
20:56 - Chat Scale
21:23 - Shop Scale
21:42 - Emotes
22:07 - Camera Offset
22:58 - Smooth Camera
23:20 - Mouse Button Drag Scroll
23:43 - Camera Panning
25:29 - Move Camera on Revive
25:48 - Champion Highlight on Champion Center
26:11 - Show Attack Frame on Attack
26:26 - Auto Attack
27:06 - Enable Line Missile Display
27:23 - Show Loss of Control UI
27:41 - Champion Names
27:52 - Show Spell Costs
28:07 - Time Settings
28:45 - NOOB TRAPS
30:33 - Sound Settings
31:56 - Client Settings
33:40 - The Most Important Settings
34:33 - Outro

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Рекомендации по теме

Do NOT uncap framerate, if the framerate is fluctuating between high numbers it will tear a lot and look like lag. Cap it at a value a multiple above your refresh rate if you have it. For instance if your monitor is at 60HZ doing 120fps, or 240fps will give you a smoother 60HZ experience, but an uncapped constantly fluctuating framerate will look like absolute shit


The best "Hotkey" is clicking uninstall


The disable chat option is outdated. Now you select between pre-made group, allies or all. It's no longer enabling/disabling those separately.


For Auto Attack (If enabled) and you hide in a bush without the Stop Command it enables you to know if its warded if an enemy champion walks near and you immediately start AA'ing


MUCH appriciated, that you guys post a settings-video!!
I've heard and seen alot of LoL influencers with different settings and it's a JUNGLE to find all the settings.
- Now I've spent 30m optimizing my settings. Feels good!
Cheers from Denmark!


Attack move on cursor will give you so much space for climb in low elos, youll learn to kite easily and focus onto other things and relax your inner you


Wasn't mentioned but by FAR the biggest setting that helped me was binding items 1+2 to the two keys my thumb sits over on my mouse (given you have them), my god has it made my rocket belt combos with Evelynn easier


It's actually good to keep voice volume on because I've found that you can hear enemy champion voices through fog of war even if they never show on a ward, I think this is a bug that has been in the game for a very long time so I just consider it a feature now and it's a great way to avoid ganks sometimes :)


For any of you who is like me and struggles to kite with A key. I recommended this, go to "Hotkey" menu scroll to the bottom and on "advance keybinding options" enable "bind auto attack move to left click". The only drawback is when you leftclick on the minimap your character moves, it is mitigated by holding CTRL then left click. but this one option made a huge difference for me, in terms of csing, kiting and stuff.


Just gonna put this here because it’s info that is missing and makes one of the tips very confusing. The “show attack range” option ONLY works on the “attack move” hot key. So if you have it enabled and use regular right click or even attack move click you won’t see the indicator. So make sure you know what that hot key is/have it bound to a key you prefer.


I'm sorry but there was WAY too much focus on boosting FPS in this video. Your FPS is capped by your monitor's refresh rate (which you did mention fairly early in the video), so it doesn't matter AT ALL that you are showing 500+ FPS if your monitor only refreshes at 60hz, 144hz, or 240hz.


for the players who use "a" for attack move click like many others do. it does not work with "target champions only"


Isn't 500 FPS arbitrary if your monitor's refresh rate isn't that high?

EDIT: uncapping the framerate made my champion stutter whenever I rapidly change directions. I capped it at 240 FPS and it's resolved.


One thing that killed me a lot of times is minimap movements. I play adc a lot and when accidentally click on the edge of the minimap, my caracter starts to walk to top... Well with this option off I can't just click on the minimap and go to lane for example, but its not a big problem since you can just left click on it then click on the ground like usual.


The detailed description of abilities is often a huge downside because the text box will block way to much view especially if you hover on it by accident during a fight etc. You can just press shift to quick enable it as long as you hover over the abilities. I dont want my full screen getting blocked by the new champs abilities with 20 extra notes and scalings


Man that is a lot, they should make 'settings packs' so you can import/export all of these.


This video was incredibly helpful for me as a new player coming from Dota. I'm a bit particular and I love all the detailed info here so I feel comfortable I have the right settings set up.


Cleaning up the audio and visual clutter greatly improved my team fighting. Three pentas with yi in three days after changing settings, precisely because these settings make it easier to know when to alpha to dodge incoming skillshots, etc.


control +/- can change ur client size fast if it’s too big on another monitor


Setting the refresh rate in the Nvidia control panel has no impact on the refresh rate observed in game. The game will switch the display to accept its max refresh rate. That's why the screen blinks and stutters when you alt-tab in and out of full screen games.

If you play League in Windowed or Borderless, that setting does determine the refresh rate of the monitor though.
