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SQL constraints:
SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table.
Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the table. If there is any violation between the constraint and the data action, the action is aborted.
Constraints can be column level or table level. Column level constraints apply to a column, and table level constraints apply to the whole table.
The following constraints are commonly used in SQL:
NOT NULL - Ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value
UNIQUE - Ensures that all values in a column are different
PRIMARY KEY - A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. Uniquely identifies each row in a table
FOREIGN KEY - Uniquely identifies a row/record in another table
CHECK - Ensures that all values in a column satisfies a specific condition
DEFAULT - Sets a default value for a column when no value is specified
INDEX - Used to create and retrieve data from the database very quickly
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How to create Foreign Key Constraint With ON UPDATE CASCADE in SQL Server - SQL Server
Primary Key-Foreign Key-Insert values into table in Ms SQL server
SQL - Foreign Key - On Delete Cascade - On Delete Set Null
SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint | SQL Server Tutorial for Beginners
How to Add Primary Key After Creating a Table | Add Foreign Key After Creating a Table
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What is a foreign key? (with SQL examples)
What is PRIMARY KEY & NOT NULL Constraints in SQL
How to Create Foreign Key Constraints in SQL
Primary and Foreign Key Constraint Reference Table
SQL Constraints | Primary Key | NOT NULL | Unique Key
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Channel References:
@rejawebs @MSSQLDBAsLife @Microsoft @MSSQLBI_Tutorial @tsqlssis7932 @SQL @sqlquery @sqlquery4042 @sqlinsertdeleteupdate @Amit.Thinks @biwithmina7066 @Programming Only @playwithcode @mycodingproject43
Hash Tag:
#sql #sqlserver #sqlsubquery #mssqlserver #microsoft #sqltips #sqlinsertdeleteupdate #rejawebs official video
SQL constraints are used to specify rules for the data in a table.
Constraints are used to limit the type of data that can go into a table. This ensures the accuracy and reliability of the data in the table. If there is any violation between the constraint and the data action, the action is aborted.
Constraints can be column level or table level. Column level constraints apply to a column, and table level constraints apply to the whole table.
The following constraints are commonly used in SQL:
NOT NULL - Ensures that a column cannot have a NULL value
UNIQUE - Ensures that all values in a column are different
PRIMARY KEY - A combination of a NOT NULL and UNIQUE. Uniquely identifies each row in a table
FOREIGN KEY - Uniquely identifies a row/record in another table
CHECK - Ensures that all values in a column satisfies a specific condition
DEFAULT - Sets a default value for a column when no value is specified
INDEX - Used to create and retrieve data from the database very quickly
Searchable Keywords:
Primary Key and Foreign Key Tutorial in MySQL | What is Primary Key and Foreign Key DBMS
MySQL: FOREIGN KEYS are easy (kind of)
Foreign Key and Primary Key in SQL Server by query.
Creating Primary and Foreign Keys in SQL Server
Creating Foreign Key Relationship in SQL Server Management Studio
Primary Key & Foreign Key Implementation: MySQL
Understanding Foreign Key Constraints in SQL Server
How to create Foreign Key Constraint With ON UPDATE CASCADE in SQL Server - SQL Server
Primary Key-Foreign Key-Insert values into table in Ms SQL server
SQL - Foreign Key - On Delete Cascade - On Delete Set Null
SQL FOREIGN KEY Constraint | SQL Server Tutorial for Beginners
How to Add Primary Key After Creating a Table | Add Foreign Key After Creating a Table
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postgresql foreign key
foreign key sql server
sql cascade
alter table sql
sql constraints
candidate key
mysql tutorial
relational database
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Apply the constraints like Primary Key, Foreign key
Working with Primary & Foreign key Constraint in SQL Server
What is a foreign key? (with SQL examples)
What is PRIMARY KEY & NOT NULL Constraints in SQL
How to Create Foreign Key Constraints in SQL
Primary and Foreign Key Constraint Reference Table
SQL Constraints | Primary Key | NOT NULL | Unique Key
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primary key youtube
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how to use constraint in sql | not null
how to use not null constraint in sql
not null constraint in sql with example
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how to apply not null constraint in sql
how to add not null constraint in sql
how to check not null constraint in sql
What are the 5 constraints in SQL?
Is foreign key indexed by default?
How to check foreign key constraints in SQL?
How to check primary key and foreign key in SQL by query?
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how to check foreign key constraint in sql
foreign key in sql
primary key and foreign key in sql with examples
not null constraint example
select the correct foreign key constraint
can foreign key be null
primary key in sql
Channel References:
@rejawebs @MSSQLDBAsLife @Microsoft @MSSQLBI_Tutorial @tsqlssis7932 @SQL @sqlquery @sqlquery4042 @sqlinsertdeleteupdate @Amit.Thinks @biwithmina7066 @Programming Only @playwithcode @mycodingproject43
Hash Tag:
#sql #sqlserver #sqlsubquery #mssqlserver #microsoft #sqltips #sqlinsertdeleteupdate #rejawebs official video