Eastern Christianity, St Thomas Aquinas & The Immaculate Conception w/ Fr. Christiaan Kappes
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00:00 Start
0:49 Aquinas translated into Classical Greek (after 1354AD)
2:09 Transition to Eastern Culture
2:48 Ruthenian (and the type of people drawn in)
7:49 Devotions and sacramentals
14:13 Blanket spiritual program is not endorsed
16:55 SSPX (and Vatican 2)
20:27 How the Eastern churches came back into union with Rome
23:03 Speculation on the trajectory of the liturgy wars (and male spiritual leadership)
32:56 Doctoral dissertation on the reform of theTridentine Mass into a transitional form
42:30 What would Fr. Christiaan Kappes do if he were Pope
56:20 Orthodox (and conditions for giving communion to an Orthodox)
1:11:21 Thomas Aquinas and Infant Communion (and Aquinas on intellect and will)
1:24:15 Thomas Aquinas and Immaculate Conception (and Corpus Thomisticum)
1:29:58 Books of Sentences of Peter Lombard (and purification)
1:38:52 String of quotes on Holy Virgin
1:47:27 Protoevangelium of James (and age of Mary)
1:48:11 Translation of Luke 1:46-47
1:54:15 Tradition
1:56:36 Aquinas‘s angelical salutation
1:59:20 Absolute primary of Christ (and the incarnation)
2:10:15 Duns Scotus (and Bonaventure’s arguments for the existence of God)
2:22:10 Orthodox and Immaculate Conception (and co-mediatrix)
2:30:02-2:24:37 Break music
2:35:37 Why can Eastern priests be married and permanent deacons (Start of Q&A)
21:41:56 What the church teaches on ecumenism
2:45:28 What are some things you can do to build unity
2:49:50 Ethnophilism
2:52:49 Eastern Orthodox interpretations of Matthew 16:18
2:57:56 What can Latin and Eastern Catholics learn from each other
3:01:02 Books by Fr. Christiaan Kappes (and rocks my socks)